Giulia QV rear seats...



Original Poster:

3,992 posts

191 months

Friday 9th February
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Hi all.

A thought crossed my mind last night, when the iPace lease runs out soon, I am very tempted to get rid of that, and the GTV, for one car, a Giulia QV. I've enjoyed the iPace, but I just don't find my self driving the GTV much, so maybe this would make sense?? They even seem to relatively efficient if they need to be on a longer drive.

As we sometimes have to have someone in the middle rear seat, I noticed quite a few were 4 seaters, but this one, at the place that services my GTV, seems to have a rear belt. Was this bought in 2018?


201 posts

145 months

Friday 9th February
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Late 2018 onwards are all 5 seats.


Original Poster:

3,992 posts

191 months

Friday 9th February
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OliilO said:
Late 2018 onwards are all 5 seats.
Thank you smile If I do go for one, that's the age I'll search for.


602 posts

120 months

Tuesday 27th February
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The "4 seats" cars lack armrest, the "5 seats" cars occupy the 5th seat with an armrest. Logical! biggrin

However its prob not that tricky finding a centre seatbelt from the scrapyard for your "4 seat" Giulia.