Flathead's Micro Adventure - Warning Long!

Flathead's Micro Adventure - Warning Long!



Original Poster:

9,642 posts

260 months

Sunday 12th August 2012
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How much random fun can you pack into 24 hours?

Well it was fantastic to meet up with you guys at Loomies yesterday. Great bunch of people and a crazy girlie - hi Tori wavey I'm stealing your fella in a couple of weeks and can't be responsible for any damage hehe

Still disorientated from my late night on Friday and hazy from a little too much vino, I wasn't feeling the sharpest when I got to Loomies. A few discussions revealed that I didn't have the slightest ability to operate my satnav properly and despite several attemps at inputting 'New Forest' it was not to be. Instead I settled for, "Turn right opposite the petrol station and keep going" which was easiest option. Hmm hangover was stronger than I anticipated.

Nice road it is too, a little blat got me refreshed for a trip to nowhere and somewhere in no particular order and I found myself grinning every time I grabbed another cog. Eaaaaaassssy.. don't want to lose that license. Some strange reason saw me back in Hayling sodding island again and in autopilot my favourite coffee stop appeared on the horizon.

He shouted through the window infront of a handful of patient queueing customers, "Usual?" "Please mate" I replied. 5 minutes later I was munching a sausage sandwich on brown and getting a latte down in the hope of finding some energy from somewhere. I felt fked to be honest but there was no way I was giving up a nice day on the bike. Disappointed that I ended up here I left the island of refreshment and chose to follow the coast line back down and before long I was on the A27 and M275 sees you rapido into Portsmouth. Now I could head for the blue border on the satnav to take me to the sea. Southsea here I come cool

Finding a decent place to chain the bike up a guy waiting at the bustop quipped, "Dunno why you bother.. the other two don't have chains on them mate" pointing to a blade and some random Kwacka. "If 'they' are going to take one, guess which one they won't take?" I said. I watched the penny slowly drop as one eyebrow raised very slightly and he was left with a dumbass look on his mooey. I can see why he was getting the loser cruiser..

Wandering around a sea side resort with full clobber on and a pair of winter boots saw my testicular temperature gauge go into the red. My nuts were now officially on fire. I wondered if by farting really hard I could cause some air movement as a temporary measure and help regulate the temps. I was in an arcade and there didn't appear to be anyone on my side of the machines, so I let go with a purposeful rip but in careful control of 'lift-off oversteer'. Unfortunately, some small kid who I didn't spot shouted at the top of his voice, "Urgh mister you just farted". Naturally the whole arcade happened to hear and look over at this leather clad arse trumpet. "Urgh that stinks" he mouthed. "Well if you don't like it fk off then", I said and then realised I was now bullying someone's ginger kid. My face was now the same colour as my testicles so I hastened a retreat as there was indeed a fog of war left behind in the arcade. I
glanced over my shoulder to see punters escaping the arcade from the mustard gas in the searing heat. Whoops. Down the side of the arcade, I noticed an area for Hovercrafts - where did they go to and from?

In search of seeing a Hovercraft I decided to return to the bike and have a nose around.

Back at the bike I was to spend the next ten minutes faffing with various security devices, the huge chain I carry, an alarm, a pager and an ejector seat. There is bugger all places to store anything on a ZZR14, considering it's supposed to be a tourer, the storage space is dismal.

A twist if the wrist saw me into Portsmouth and now I'm facing a sign which reads, "Isle of Wight Ferry". It's 3pm in the sodding afternoon, I have a hangover and the last thing I should be contemplating is getting on a stuffing ferry hehe Well I'll have a ride round and enquire about costs that can't hurt can it? "Alright mate, can I just buy a ticket and go or do I have to prebook this?". "Just park your bike infront of Costa Coffee and get a ticket from the ticket office" comes the reply. I mean it was an order really. Hmmm Costa Coffee cloud9 Well I will pull up and get a coffee and a price. Not seeing any prices I joined the queue and found myself infront of a ticket clerk. "Single or return and do you have a pillion?" She spat the words out like she might have said that a few thousand times hehe Return; open if possible, and how much?" Ooh hang on, I'm bloody well buying a ticket now.. stop it you fool. "£39; return within 3 months, is that ok?" Ok? It's bloody great. "Perfect" I said and stuffed my flexible friend in the slot. I mean what the effing hell was I thinking? Stuff the frigging coffee I will get something on the boat. As I wandered back to the bike, there was now 4 of us waiting. A paramedic at the front of the queue who had been working in the London Olympics and had now returned for a week off, a couple on a BMW GS1200 with every extra you cram on, a nice couple and all leather clad from head to toe. I bet her gaff was scorchio laugh The guy behind me had a Bergman 650 and full leathers eek He was my intended victim and after interviewing all but the last guy who didn't want to talk to some random biker, so I engaged Mr. Burgman, or Will as I now new him, in a conversation on the ferry.

Will lived on the island and his son is into bikes too. "Are you visiting friends?" Will asked? "Nope, just on a random ride and thought I would have a look on the island" I replied. "Where are you staying, do you have anywhere to go?" I grinned, "Nope haven't got anything lined up, is there any where you recommend?" "Well strangely enough, there is a guy I know that has just converted one of his rooms into a guest room and he happens to be a biker too" Wow what's the odds on that? Seems too good to be true and it could be a scam, after all I don't know Will from Adam. "Would you like me to give him a call?" I nodded. I was starting to feel a little uncomfortable now, out of my comfort zone now on a boat to somewhere I'd not been before, approached a total stranger, he knows I've got a sought after bike, and now I'm seeing if I can shack up with his mate? Blimey, hope he's not a screaming poofta! Will rings him and leaves a message. A few minutes later this guy rings back and Will passes me the phone. "This is Andy". A surreal conversation then ensues: "Alright mate (he's definitely not my mate and I don't know anything about him but he must be thinking the same about me and we need to find some common ground). I hear you have a room available for the night. I'm a little worried about bike security, do you have something I can put a chain round?" "Yes mate, I've got 3 bikes and a garage but you can leave it here round the back and it will be totally safe" Wow.. sounds to good to be true right? "How much mate?" £25, and that includes a cooked breakfast" Jesus I can't get a BB in Brighton for that, "I'm in can you give me a postcode?" Will kindly offers to take me most of the way as its en-route for him.

The ferry docks around 4pm and in no time we are riding off up the slip road and towards town. The nav is telling me to go straight ahead but Will has now turned left and once again my paranoia alert starts to ring: What if I'm led into a dead-end road and forced to handover my bike? What if they're setting me up? I try to find counter arguments but still feel vulnerable as we hurtle through dusty little lanes. The Bergman is ideal for this with its huge comfortable seat and mad 650cc twin. We travel for about 18 miles down these little roads with spectacular views.

Eventually we stop soon outside Wills' place and it is a nice house and my paranoia's are put to rest. I shake his hand as all appears to be good and then carry on with the journey, albeit a few miles left to travel.

I'm now in Ventnor and can see the sea on the nav.

I've just ridden right across the island! The nav announces my arrival and I am greeted with a well presented 18th Century town house in excellent order.

As I pull up on the drive, I'm immediately met by Andy, the owner of said establishment. "You can leave your bike there or put it round the back if you like mate" he says. I agree to put it at the back and as I get off I'm greeted a second time by Sheila, Andy's' missus. They are very hospitable and friendly, and Andy opens up with, "Would you like to see my bikes and fancy a beer?". Hell yeah is my retort. A cold Guinness is thrust into my hand and a walk down the end of the garden sees a big secure shed, built by Andy with two Harleys inside. He's pretty much built them from scratch and they look stunning. The bobber has a built engine which is good for ripping your arms off and is a proud creation of hard work and investment. On the way to the garage his other toy, a very pretty Triumph Thunderbird 1600 sits gleaming. Yep, he's a total biker through and though and a dude smile

We have a right laugh swapping tales of this and that and he shows me the guest room and it's very nice.

I feel relaxed but suddenly realise that I need cash as I'm not holding much folded. Fortunately there is a Spar next door which is open late which has a cash machine. We pop next door, I stock up on some more black ones and I grab some cash. What a total result. A few beers in and Shiela askes if I would like some dinner with them? Well that wasn't planned but I'm famished, all that excitement makes you hungry and it would be rude not to. We sit down to fantastic Chilli and rice which I thought would end the perfect day. A few beers on, and we're all in the mood and Andy pipes up, "There's a club next door are you up for it? There's a band playing, here come outside and have a listen" Andy beckons me outside and sure enough over the fence, you can hear music playing. Reality chimes in - I'm wearing jeans but I don't have anything to replace my full length motorcycle boots, I cheekily I ask if he has any I can borrow?! Andy comes through yet again with a slightly loose pair of 9's but that is all I need. I cannot really express at this point, how much these guys have bent over backwards to help me out. I've had the pleasure of Irish hospitality but this is on a different level. They are so easy to get on with, it's as if we've been friends for ages. So now we walk less than 50 yards and we are in the local community club house.

So now I'm in this club and about to be signed in but apparently there is no need as Andy is well known. There is a four piece band playing, covering a load of different styles and tunes, and the lead singer is a big lass but my God can the girl sing.

The band gels really well and they really enjoy themselves. The bass and lead guitarists are really good and the guys are singing too. A mention is also required for the drummer, I watch a lot of bands and this band is fun fun fun. They're called Dirty Little Secret and you can find them on Facebook here

We've dropped the Guinness now but double vodka's are £1.95 and Shiela is on the G&T's. I get the round in and the only place we can sit is right in front of the band next to a speaker. The band is banging the choons out now I've got the urge to try dancing in these huge boots. The locals are really friendly and it's someones' birthday and we're all singing along in a bit of a mess hehe

The band announces that there's now a full buffet downstairs and to make our way down and help ourselves

eek Is this a Heineken trip eek

what's next for Christ's sake - available women?

Well yes actually, had a good chat with this babe while I was eating at the buffet and I have a feeling I'm going to be going back again any time soon hehe

After this madness it was back to Andy & Sheila's for some more entertainment and I think I finally crashed around 3:30am. He will probably kill me for posting this as we were CLANGERED hehe

I woke up in a bit of a blur. Glanced at my phone and it said 09:30.. only problem was I remembered I was supposed to be somewhere today, but where? fk supposed to be at Loomies AGAIN for 10am. This time to meet up with my ZZR guys from the forum yikes

I got my st together and spoke with Andy before I went. Sheila did not make it out laugh Outside it had rained overnight and I was greeted by a wet ZZR and wet roads. "Be carefull, it hasn't rained for nearly a week and it will be greasy out" Andy warned. Great, first time in the wet with a 200hp bike, in a non familiar place with dusty greasy roads.. should be a blast irkedhehe

I said my goodbyes and tootled off down the road. They were definitely wet and definitely slippery but the bike is a pussy cat and keep it smooth and it's perfect yes

I got to the ferry in about 20 minutes, and to my suprise I was told that I would be the second vehicle on thumbup

It didn't take long before I was back on board with a large coffee in my hand watching the view of the mainland get nearer.

Believe it or not, there's not a lot of distance between the port and Loomies. I was taking it easy for lots of reasons but I managed to roll up for 11:10 which is just as my group was leaving - how cool was that? biggrin

We were off to Whiteways Cafe it was all the way back I'd just come down the A27 yeseekhehe


Spent a couple of hours with the new crew and then headed home again.

Done 1337 miles in 7 days, 331 miles in the last 24 hours with 3 tanks of fuel, 1 bed and breakfast and a whole heap of fun biggrin

Totally mental biking weekend, met so many new friends and for those of you that are interested to stay, you can book with Andy and Sheila in the Isle of Wight with the details below:

Short Stay Accommodation
All bikers/cyclists/Ramblers welcome
Motor cycle rallies, dedicated cycle routes and 500 miles of foot path & stunning views.
Secure off road parking, full English breakfast.
£25 pppn

Tel: 01983 854043

Hopefully this will be of help to someone here. I'm shattered, have got a tan from somewhere(?!) and looking forward to going back to do it all again thumbup


16,690 posts

178 months

Sunday 12th August 2012
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You fell on your feet there.

Sounds like a great weekend


18,714 posts

183 months

Sunday 12th August 2012
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You always land on your feet, I'd have ended up getting a B&B with a pair of shirt lifters, have my innocence taken and then blow my bike up on the way home.

Sounds like you had a great time.. I must question the image of the 'babe' though!!


1,049 posts

158 months

Sunday 12th August 2012
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Great write up. Really enjoyed that.


8,893 posts

242 months

Sunday 12th August 2012
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Mike600F said:
Great write up. Really enjoyed that.
Same as, thanks for taking the time to write it all up...that biking memory will keep you warm thru Winter


3,678 posts

185 months

Monday 13th August 2012
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Excellent write up Lord of the Flatheads. It was good to see you at loomies on Sat (i was the guy in shorts and flip flops attracting evil eyes from most other people..)

I love your sense of adventure - keep up the ramblings so I can live vicariously.


3,427 posts

156 months

Monday 13th August 2012
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LordFlathead said:
leather clad from head to toe. I bet her gaff was scorchio laugh

Steve Evil

10,670 posts

231 months

Monday 13th August 2012
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Great stuff! You win the most spontaneous BB member award.

Barry Sheene

1,524 posts

285 months

Monday 13th August 2012
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Kudos to you LordFlatHead,

I spent many an hour in that arcade by Clarence Pier when I was younger, hasn't changed a bit (apart from the now missing Mousetrap roller coaster).

Used to love watching the hovercraft come and go too..

Brought back some very good memories, thanks......(cracking pics btw)

Homesick mode=on biggrin


Original Poster:

9,642 posts

260 months

Monday 13th August 2012
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Thanks for the kind words. My body clock is totally out of kilter having just got up hehe

Now to make some proper plans.


9,732 posts

193 months

Monday 13th August 2012
quotequote all
Barry Sheene said:
Kudos to you LordFlatHead,
Baz, are you still in Germany? Flatty and I are thinking of going that way in a few weeks...


463 posts

153 months

Monday 13th August 2012
quotequote all
Excellent write up. Really enjoyed reading that. I've been thinking of doing something like this but planned out, not spur of the moment and you have just inspired me on where to go.


56,163 posts

217 months

Monday 13th August 2012
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Good work fella, a pleasure to meet you on Saturday.

Enjoy the rest of your time off cool


42 posts

157 months

Monday 13th August 2012
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Enjoyed the write up,sounds like you had fun!Want to do something similar in October when im off,weather permitting!


1,903 posts

267 months

Monday 13th August 2012
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Brilliant trip-ette that, nice one biggrin This is part of what bikes are all about for me, getting out and meeting folk smile


771 posts

152 months

Monday 13th August 2012
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That's brilliant. Go for a meet in the morning and end up in a club in the isle of wight at 2am laugh


771 posts

152 months

Monday 13th August 2012
quotequote all
That's brilliant. Go for a meet in the morning and end up in a club in the isle of wight at 2am laugh

Barry Sheene

1,524 posts

285 months

Tuesday 14th August 2012
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smack said:
Baz, are you still in Germany? Flatty and I are thinking of going that way in a few weeks...
Yessir (not next week though)....

Give us a shout if you're down Munich way, I'm sure we could arrange a meet (I'm vehicleless here atm though, but if the weather holds up I may bring something back with me at the end of next weeksmile


Original Poster:

9,642 posts

260 months

Tuesday 14th August 2012
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Barry Sheene said:
smack said:
Baz, are you still in Germany? Flatty and I are thinking of going that way in a few weeks...
Yessir (not next week though)....

Give us a shout if you're down Munich way, I'm sure we could arrange a meet (I'm vehicleless here atm though, but if the weather holds up I may bring something back with me at the end of next weeksmile
Might be able to do the following week as I'm still waiting on my passport.

In the meantime I'm off on another jolly back to the Isle of Wight.. I love that place already and I've only seen it in daylight for a few hours.

Going to stay with the girl I met in the club smile

Barry Sheene

1,524 posts

285 months

Tuesday 14th August 2012
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I'd best bring the Triumph then, 'bout time I got some exercise anyway biggrin