RE: Bright Idea

Wednesday 6th June 2001

Bright Idea

Media assists in campaign against unnecessary lights



Original Poster:

119 posts

288 months

Wednesday 6th June 2001
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"Magazines and manufacturers have also been requested to use photographs without such lights in an effort to remove the sexual excitement generated for drivers of small hatchbacks who continue to annoy the rest of us by flicking on their lights as soon as they enter their cars. Perhaps if they took their shades off they''d see better..." Absolutely top notch commentary, bravo that man! Graeme. ________________________________

Big Rumbly

973 posts

289 months

Wednesday 6th June 2001
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About time, it is probably one of the most annoying traits (as well as rear fogs)used by the unintelligent, uninformed (large) minority


6,012 posts

289 months

Wednesday 6th June 2001
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About time. The number of people that drive with fog lights on when it's totally unneccessary is unreal. Have you ever noticed, it's the cars that you have to actually spec the fog lights when ordering that have them on...? "...I've bought an LX with optional fog lights that cost me an extra £80, so I'll use them at all times..." Bums. R


280 months

Wednesday 6th June 2001
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if the effect is to ensure visiblity then surely it's ok - i'd also object to the incorrect use of front/rear fogs but that includes leaving them on at night when they're not needed


539 posts

281 months

Wednesday 6th June 2001
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Why you you think that all bikers use there lights in the day if it does not make them more easily seen? Even though cars are more visable in the day time it does not meen lights should be turned off. What about when cars are travelling under the shadows of trees, for example, or when vision of oncoming cars is compromised by the sun reflecting off shiny tarmac. LIGHTS MAKE YOU MORE EASILY SEEN. Surely this is a cheap way of making the roads safer. xbn


683 posts

289 months

Wednesday 6th June 2001
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Randy, Agree with your comments about being more visable but why the f**k do these @rses on high performance bikes seem to think it necessary to have them on full beam & then ride two feet from the back bumper of the car in front. Just speaking from personal experience of the area I live in that attracts a lot of bikers so don't flame me down, I'm well aware that it is not every biker. Ross. (rant over)


Original Poster:

119 posts

288 months

Wednesday 6th June 2001
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Side lights are okay as they can let people know you're there if you're worried they have not seen you. However, a car with the dips/fogs/etc on impair your judgement in estimating the approaching speed and distance of the car due to the glare. To me, that is not okay. Graeme. __________________________________


5 posts

281 months

Wednesday 6th June 2001
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Driving with foggies on is a big no-no in my book, and I'm an impreza turbo owner, so have rather large foggies, thus if they are one they dazzle a tad. As for volvo's, well, I also have a 760 GLE, which as DLR lights, which obviously are on all the time. Now, if someone would like to inform me of how to turn this feature off I will, as far as I know it's not possible, without messing with fuses etc. Plus there is the point that in sweden DLR's are a mandatory requirement for driving during the day. DLR's I don't have a problem with. Idiots who drive round with their foglights on when they are not needed I have major problem with. The police should clamp down on this offence a bit more, instead of hiding behind bushes on dual carrigeways to catch speeders.


632 posts

286 months

Wednesday 6th June 2001
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Shame you chose to use a picture of a 106 GTI, as they don't have front foglights - they're driving lights, so they only come on with full beam, in which case the driver really would have to be an absolute r-sole. Still, I agree with the sentiment expressed in the story.


34,443 posts

308 months

Wednesday 6th June 2001
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Shame you chose to use a picture of a 106 GTI, as they don't have front foglights - they're driving lights, so they only come on with full beam
Hey, since when have I let facts get in the way of a good story?!


632 posts

286 months

Wednesday 6th June 2001
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Quite right too. Slavish adherence to the facts destroys creativity.


204 posts

286 months

Wednesday 6th June 2001
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DTRL (Day Time Running Lights) are very useful, people can not be trusted to turn lights on in poor conditions, if they have to be on that solves this problem, watch which cars you see 1st in your periferal (spelling???) vision, always ones with lights ON... How many cars do you see or not see rather with no lights or just side lights in rain or Fog... Fog lights when not needed are another major irritant... Another case for driver education!!!


296 posts

289 months

Wednesday 6th June 2001
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ahem... yeah, sure daytime running lights make you more visible. but they annoy the hell out of me. Come over a hill and some idiot is coming up the other side and you can't see for a few seconds afterward, so dazzling is the effect, how can it possibly be safer? what if I get blinded right before a turn, eh? real safe. I blame GM, but then I blame GM for everything...


287 months

Wednesday 6th June 2001
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Over in Sweden driving lights are mandatory, over in the Benelux, foglights on when there is no fog is forbidden. I say combine the two. I drive a big red alfa with driving lights on and still nobody seems to notice me at a roundabout. How about a mandatory foghorn or siren as well, with a different tune for every make?


89,308 posts

289 months

Wednesday 6th June 2001
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What about bikes as well, I'm sick of being blinded by oncoming bikers. I do not care if their excuse is "it's so car drivers can see us". I remember a previous thread on here that said that putting your lights on when overtaking can confuse the oncoming traffic's sense of distance and speed of the vehicle with the lights on. Oh and if there's any bikers on here "turn your bloody lights off".


125 posts

289 months

Thursday 7th June 2001
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Here in Holland everyone seems to turn their lights on as soon as they get into their cars, and yes it does make you more visible, but it also makes the few that don't turn their lights on less visible as you get used to looking for headlights. 6 of one, half a dozen of the other and all that !! Jim


50 posts

289 months

Thursday 7th June 2001
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<Quote> Oh and if there's any bikers on here "turn your bloody lights off". </Quote> You're having a giraffe aren't you? Most folks couldn't spot me if I was on a flourescent pink bike with sirens and an 8 foot teddy bear on the back! My dipped lights are my extra protection so that numpties who pull out of side streets, decide to cross lane in front of you and who jump lights might *actually* notice me! Lights on bikes probably annoy you cos of 2 factors: Firstly look at the height of them. Yup they are about the height of your rear view mirror. Certainly higher than your average car. Secondly due to the poor roads surface on our countries highways combined with hard suspension they tend to "bounce" more than car headlights, adding to the flickering effect. But I consider these small irritants for the benefits that daytime lights give me. Ironically, the fact that biker lights annoy you means they have served the purpose as to why we leave them on - you noticed us!


52,483 posts

289 months

Thursday 7th June 2001
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[quoteIronically, the fact that biker lights annoy you means they have served the purpose as to why we leave them on - you noticed us! No, you have annoyed us, but I put up with it because I also notice so many bikers on the side of the road, usually plastic flowers get tied to a tree to mark the spot a few days later.


39,731 posts

289 months

Thursday 7th June 2001
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richb,that wasn't nice was it. apguy, yup that figures, since I got my griff I noticed cars seem to be leaving hi beam on.....but no I am much lower than in my eurobox


52,483 posts

289 months

Thursday 7th June 2001
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sorry if I offended anyone, in one of my more thoughtless moments Rich...