Private sale gone wrong

Private sale gone wrong



Original Poster:

10,086 posts

234 months

Saturday 20th July 2024
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I listed a car for sale, and the buyer is now complaining.

The facts:
2008 Fiesta ST track car
Cat N write off
Listed as lots of general marks and some surface rust, by no means perfect.
Sold on eBay as an auction.

A guy asks lots of questions, including why it had not been used for 2 years.

I said waiting to do some upgrades before going back on track and during those upgrades I found a rear main seal leak which I tried to fix and it leaked again.

It then spent a year in the naughty corner before I built up the motivation to fix it again. Which I did and it wasn’t leaking.

I then sold the car. Buyer came and viewed it, for a long time and test drove it before taking it away.

After the buyer has got the car home he is claiming it is leaking again and there is something wrong with the gearbox, I have never had a gearbox problem with it.

He also signed this:


3,975 posts

155 months

Saturday 20th July 2024
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Ignore him. It’s not your problem being a private sale.

He came and saw it and drove it.


304 posts

12 months

Saturday 20th July 2024
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Had the chance to inspect and check. Buyers problem.

Alex Z

1,589 posts

85 months

Saturday 20th July 2024
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That’s unfortunate. Do you have a Haynes manual you can lend him so he can fix his car?


4,439 posts

112 months

Saturday 20th July 2024
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Added to the wiki, as others have said ignore and block unless any official legal paperwork arrives. Then mount your defence.

Until the don’t worry about it.


Original Poster:

10,086 posts

234 months

Saturday 20th July 2024
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Oh, and the buyers eBay makes reference to motors, parts and sale and he has sent me a picture of the car on a ramp as soon as he got back, so is clearly in the trade!

ETA, has now accused me of lying and a shady MOT.

Edited by Megaflow on Saturday 20th July 15:45


4,439 posts

112 months

Saturday 20th July 2024
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Megaflow said:
Oh, and the buyers eBay makes reference to motors, parts and sale and he has sent me a picture of the car on a ramp as soon as he got back, so is clearly in the trade!

ETA, has now accused me of lying and a shady MOT.

Edited by Megaflow on Saturday 20th July 15:45
Don’t even engage with them, it only emboldens them to try harder to get money off or a full/partial refund. Only engage with legal communications, other than that ignore.


3,158 posts

199 months

Saturday 20th July 2024
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Saying I was lying would piss me off the most. Time to be firm.

Tell him it’s not your responsibility, you don’t want to speak to him any further on the matter given his accusations and that he is welcome to instruct a solicitor.


2,770 posts

194 months

Saturday 20th July 2024
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Unless you have made any specific claims about the vehicle it’s tough luck on his part. Ignore him.

Its Just Adz

15,321 posts

218 months

Saturday 20th July 2024
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I know its annoying, frustrating and even upsetting when a buyer pulls this stunt, but honestly just tell them it's their problem now, then ignore them.


42,610 posts

205 months

Saturday 20th July 2024
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I wonder if people like the buyer try the same trick everytime in the hope that some people just roll over?


Original Poster:

10,086 posts

234 months

Saturday 20th July 2024
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24lemons said:
Unless you have made any specific claims about the vehicle it’s tough luck on his part. Ignore him.
The only specific claim I made was the crank seal was fixed, which as it was not mentioned on the MOT and he viewed it and was happy, I am saying is true.


1,983 posts

9 months

Saturday 20th July 2024
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Don't reply back, just ignore him.


3,750 posts

33 months

Saturday 20th July 2024
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If you are feeling bored reply with a copy of the receipt, with the "It is understood by the purchaser that the vehicle is sold as soon, tried and approved without guarantee" highlighted in florescent and add if he wants a car with a warranty then he should have bought from a car dealer (which would be funny if he is actually one and bought yours for stock).


13,644 posts

180 months

Saturday 20th July 2024
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hes hoping you crack and agree to giving him a percentage back. dont.


1,420 posts

114 months

Saturday 20th July 2024
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Worth a shot isn't it? for some people...send a mildly threatening email with some faux legal spiel and you might get £500 back, a whole weeks wages!


Harry you Potter

109 posts

7 months

Sunday 21st July 2024
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Tell him that he is responsible for the car now and you don’t want to hear about it again. If he appears at your door just tell him that it’s his vehicle and to go away.

He is just having buyers remorse


Original Poster:

10,086 posts

234 months

Sunday 21st July 2024
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Harry you Potter said:
Tell him that he is responsible for the car now and you don’t want to hear about it again. If he appears at your door just tell him that it’s his vehicle and to go away.

He is just having buyers remorse
He has threatened that, if he tried it, I’ll be calling the police.

Somehow he has found my phone number! Probably on some of the paperwork for the car.

I told him it’s his problem he bought it sold as seen and I don’t appreciate being called a liar. He then dreamt up some new problem, so I hung up.

He has now been reported to eBay and blocked.

Also, note he wasn’t brave enough to ring me with his phone number visible!

ETA: I was looking forward to a new project with the funds, but this has left a nasty taste in my mouth, that combined with stuff other stuff going, I’m not going bother and just bank the money for the time being

Edited by Megaflow on Sunday 21st July 12:00

Edited by Megaflow on Sunday 21st July 12:08

Edited by Megaflow on Sunday 21st July 12:09


28,592 posts

134 months

Sunday 21st July 2024
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It's a shame OP, this guy is a chancer just get on with your life.