Ambulance... Ambiwlans - Has dumbing down gone too far?

Ambulance... Ambiwlans - Has dumbing down gone too far?



Original Poster:

16,325 posts

202 months

Wednesday 9th April 2008
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I saw this yesterday near Scun.thorpe (for the swear filter) - has dumbing down gone too far?

Or have I missed something?


Edited by james_tigerwoods on Wednesday 16th May 10:38


19,761 posts

240 months

Wednesday 9th April 2008
quotequote all
james_tigerwoods said:
I saw this yesterday near Scun.thorpe (for the swear filter) - has dumbing down gone too far?

Or have I missed something?

It's welsh you 'tard. rofl


14,112 posts

214 months

Wednesday 9th April 2008
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Silent1 said:
james_tigerwoods said:
I saw this yesterday near Scun.thorpe (for the swear filter) - has dumbing down gone too far?

Or have I missed something?

It's welsh you 'tard. rofl


Original Poster:

16,325 posts

202 months

Wednesday 9th April 2008
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In Scun-thorpe - on the M180? On dealer plates.

And I apologise that my linguistic skills don't extend to Welsh.


19,761 posts

240 months

Wednesday 9th April 2008
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Yes in scu­nthorpe, there's a good chance it was built there.

As for welsh, that's not hard, google is there to hold your hand.


Original Poster:

16,325 posts

202 months

Wednesday 9th April 2008
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Going TO shorpe?

And I'm familiar with Google. Thanks. I'll be sure to google everything I post in future.



14,506 posts

220 months

Wednesday 9th April 2008
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james_tigerwoods said:
In Scun-thorpe - on the M180? On dealer plates.

And I apologise that my linguistic skills don't extend to Welsh.
its probbably no longer an ambulance and has been sold to the trade.


753 posts

207 months

Wednesday 9th April 2008
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When in Wales drive Caerphilly!

I'll get me coat.


19,761 posts

240 months

Wednesday 9th April 2008
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james_tigerwoods said:
Going TO scu­nthorpe?

And I'm familiar with Google. Thanks. I'll be sure to google everything I post in future.

Might be going to have some work done on a side ramp, or it's been sold.

As for google, remember, then you won't look like a 'tard thumbup

Eric Mc

122,640 posts

270 months

Wednesday 9th April 2008
quotequote all
james_tigerwoods said:
Going TO shorpe?

And I'm familiar with Google. Thanks. I'll be sure to google everything I post in future.

Have you never driven or even travelled to Wales?

Ambulances adorned with this logo are fairly common.

It is not really "Welsh" but a hybridised "Welshisation" of the original English word - obviously they didn't have ambulances in Wales hundreds of years ago.
Of course, the word Ambulance stems from the Latin "Ambulo" meaning "To Walk".


16,010 posts

224 months

Wednesday 9th April 2008
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Silent1 said:
It's welsh you 'tard. rofl

TBH i thought that the Silent one was exracting the urine untill i googled it!

Still ... rofl


19,761 posts

240 months

Wednesday 9th April 2008
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XJSJohn said:
Silent1 said:
It's welsh you 'tard. rofl

TBH i thought that the Silent one was exracting the urine untill i googled it!

Still ... rofl
I'll have you know i'm not one of them types, i'm an upstanding member of this community.


Original Poster:

16,325 posts

202 months

Wednesday 9th April 2008
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Eric Mc said:
Have you never driven or even travelled to Wales?
Nope. Been everywhere else though...


Original Poster:

16,325 posts

202 months

Wednesday 9th April 2008
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anonymous said:
Nope, I still don't get it - you'll have to enlighten me


243 posts

269 months

Wednesday 9th April 2008
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I thought it was txt spk for's what the yoot say


808 posts

234 months

Wednesday 9th April 2008
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If you are ever unfortunate enough to venture into Wales, don't panic if the car behind is making a lot of noise, flashing his lights, waving at you and has "Heddlu" in big stickers on the's just the council "HeadLice" inspection team in a bit of a hurry!

Just ignore them or ideally drive as fast as you can to make way for them!


Original Poster:

16,325 posts

202 months

Wednesday 9th April 2008
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spidermanUK said:
If you are ever unfortunate enough to venture into Wales, don't panic if the car behind is making a lot of noise, flashing his lights, waving at you and has "Heddlu" in big stickers on the's just the council "HeadLice" inspection team in a bit of a hurry!

Just ignore them or ideally drive as fast as you can to make way for them!
Thanks - I'll bear that in mind. Will I need my passport by the way?


243 posts

269 months

Wednesday 9th April 2008
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Based on this thread, I really wouldn't risk going if I were you


808 posts

234 months

Wednesday 9th April 2008
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james_tigerwoods said:
spidermanUK said:
If you are ever unfortunate enough to venture into Wales, don't panic if the car behind is making a lot of noise, flashing his lights, waving at you and has "Heddlu" in big stickers on the's just the council "HeadLice" inspection team in a bit of a hurry!

Just ignore them or ideally drive as fast as you can to make way for them!
Thanks - I'll bear that in mind. Will I need my passport by the way?
You won't need your passport, but it would be a good idea to ensure all your affairs are in order and your will is up to date, they're not as friendly to the English as you would hope, certainly not since they discovered that they taste like chicken!


8,795 posts

287 months

Wednesday 9th April 2008
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