Cost of ANPR system for crime prevention?

Cost of ANPR system for crime prevention?



Original Poster:

7,173 posts

228 months

Sunday 28th January 2018
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We live on a private close with a single entrance and chatting to a few neighbours we were wondering abiut the cost and feasabiliity of installing an ANPR system to data log all vehicles coming/going.

Does anyone have any knowledge/experience?


Original Poster:

7,173 posts

228 months

Sunday 28th January 2018
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Original Poster:

7,173 posts

228 months

Sunday 28th January 2018
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Possibly, but also if there is an issue relatively easy to discount.

Perhaps we should cost the each and both options.


Original Poster:

7,173 posts

228 months

Sunday 28th January 2018
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Ok, so cctv with some sort of anpr capability.... Anyone any ballpark on costs?