Finished my Caterham Build ... what next?

Finished my Caterham Build ... what next?



Original Poster:

1,890 posts

266 months

Sunday 8th September
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Hi All - so as above, I've finished my build and it's off with HWM for PBC and IVA. I really enjoyed the build...and was wondering what do people do as their next, more advanced build? I was originally thinking my second build would be an academy car...and then do the season's racing. But with my work abroad a lot etc, I couldn't ever commit to being back in the country for the races.

I've looked at things like Gardner Douglas Cobras...that sounds very advanced with bodywork to do as well as mechanicals. I'm far from an expert so I don't really want to stretch it too much. Is there something that's kind of intermediate level?



Original Poster:

1,890 posts

266 months

Monday 9th September
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Master Bean said:
Drive the thing.
Very useful comment...thanks wink