Gearbox Removal

Gearbox Removal


Lewis's Friend

Original Poster:

1,038 posts

198 months

Friday 8th May 2015
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Hi all

Just a quick one in case there are any special techniques to taking the gearbox out (sadly it is oozing oil from every gasket!).

Is it as straight forward as I'm imagining it to be, or should I be concerned? I will hopefully have an extra pair of hands to help, which will hopefully make things a bit easier.

Thanks as always...

Lewis's Friend

Original Poster:

1,038 posts

198 months

Friday 8th May 2015
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mep12345 said:
It's all n my site including the tricks for the prop shaft. and follow the links

Top man - much appreciated, thank you.

Lewis's Friend

Original Poster:

1,038 posts

198 months

Saturday 9th May 2015
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phillpot said:
Mark has it pretty well covered but there is one extra, very handy, little tip I picked up from this Forum...

Getting the g'box back in, past the crossmember brackets on the chassis, is a bit lot easier if you remove a little metal from the tailhousing ribs.

Some might argue that metal is there for a purpose and it will weaken the gearbox? Mine has had a bit of use since and hasn't self destructed.... yet wink
Thanks for the tip. Although, I'm currently thinking I may do this over the winter and just top up the gearbox for now - I want to drive it while the weather allows!