

Original Poster:

18 posts

112 months

Tuesday 14th July 2015
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hi there, im a brand new tvr owner and have gone in at the deep end and got a tvr s2 1990 in need of some love, I've made sure the car is mechanically sound and I am now turning my attention to the look of it, its a stunning purple colour and I am having the roof re done and seats reconditioned and so on but the wing mirrors are loose and look awful, mk1 mx5 seem to be the choice of many but installing isn't something I am looking forward to, has any one done this and does any one have a step by step?


Original Poster:

18 posts

112 months

Tuesday 14th July 2015
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great thanks, I think the only ones that suit it are the mk1 mx5, will keep searching for way to fitsmile


Original Poster:

18 posts

112 months

Tuesday 14th July 2015
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that's great thankyou


Original Poster:

18 posts

112 months

Wednesday 15th July 2015
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greymrj said:
Hi Oliver, welcome to S ownership! When I got mine, quite a few years ago now, a friend pointed me to this forum. It has been invaluable. You can usually find someone who has sorted any problem you may have, and lost of people who will be interested in your experiences and ideas.

After viewing what others had done I went down the Mk1 MX5 line. I felt they were the option which best fitted in with the scale and lines of the car. Believe me the difference in rear view is absolutley wonderful. You will find a post of mine, with pics of my car, on the thread that has been referred to several times above. (despite looking like a V8 on the pics, it is an S1!). If you decide that is the option you want then I can describe what I did.
greymrj thanks for the post and I am shocked at how quickly and helpful people have been, I myself have looked at all the posts and like you think its the best route, would you mind explaining how you did it? it would be hugely appreciated.


Original Poster:

18 posts

112 months

Thursday 16th July 2015
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I can't thank you enough what a fantastic post and it will be my weekend job this weeksmile fingers crossed for a great result. Only problem to sort now is the clunking noise that started today when I took her out for a spin😬 thanks once again it is most appreciated.