Astacus’ S3

Astacus’ S3



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3,530 posts

244 months

Friday 7th June 2024
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So, I have bought an S3. I have always liked the S and I just thought I should take the plunge and buy one. I have a Vixen in bits in the garage. I have been playing with it for maybe 14 years on and off and I really just wanted a TVR I could actually drive.

I’ll post up pics when I get a moment. The car is a 1990 non cat in Mica Red, which I really like. It has had a tub off chassis repair which seems to have been done to a good standard and the previous owner, a lovely chap from the West Country who need space for his Aston project, had done a lot of work on various mechanical bits, but the car is rather in need of a bit of TLC in some areas.
I am a little obsessive, so I am likely to get carried away with the cosmetics, but it’s a nice solid car that I can drive around and improve as I go. Perfect.
Project for the weekend is to find out why the boot pops open unprovoked and tidy up the boot. I have already pulled out the boot carpets and cleaned them ready to go back in. If I get that sorted and I have the time I will find out why the fuse board and the ECU made an appearance in the passenger footwell and sort that. Then I will be more comfortable driving it around.
After that I need to sort out the wiring under the centre console which is a mess. That should keep me going for a while
Major works include a new hood and probably a respray to deal with some spider cracks and a dash out job to fix some trim issues and sort out heater hoses and to fit a wood veneer dash.


Quick edit to add a photo of the car.

Edited by Astacus on Friday 7th June 17:23

Edited by Astacus on Thursday 18th July 19:37


Original Poster:

3,530 posts

244 months

Saturday 8th June 2024
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Ok first question: my boot latch has a solenoid AND a cable pulling it. Is there some sort of S series secret boot opening mechanism for when the solenoid fails?


Original Poster:

3,530 posts

244 months

Sunday 9th June 2024
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Ha, yes found it!

So today I dismantled the boot lock mechanism, complete with th bracket and solenoid. I followed the cable to the end and discovered where it is supposed to be accessed from. Blimey that would be a palaver. I wouldn't want to be doing that in the pissing rain in a hotel car park trying to recover my luggage rofl Note to self: keep the appropriate tool in the glove box....just in case.

Anyway, the lock was fine I think it was set slightly too low, and off centre, and so the small protrusion on the lid didn't completely "set" the receiver. Solution: stick a washer under one of the mounting lugs and jobs a goodun as they say. I may have to revisit this fix later. but for now its OK. The emergency release cable was seized solid so I replaced it with a spare bike cable i had and now I have a functioning boot lid.

I also managed to get most of the carpets back in the boot.

I took her for a blast around the by-pass and was followed by a guy who pulled up next to me to tell me the stop lights weren't working and that he had owned a blue S a few years ago. I said I had just spent the last 30mins getting the bloody indicators to work before going for a blast and he confirmed that he indeed felt my pain.

Here is a question for the engine experts: The car idles beautifully, but hates being in first or second. It runs really roughly under any load in low gear, but seems to run fine when given loads of revs. It won't go anywhere near the red line in any gear, but seems to accelerate well. Does anyone have any ideas where I should start looking? I have no experience in fuel injected, ECU controlled 'modern' engines so I guess this is where I start. Next week end I will be mostly tinkering withe engines.......

Edited by Astacus on Sunday 9th June 20:50


Original Poster:

3,530 posts

244 months

Monday 10th June 2024
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Thanks both for the handy hints. The paperwork from the previous owner is extensive and included photos of the chassis rebuild a Steve Heath Bible and a Haynes manual for the Granada, so my evening reading for this week is sorted. So far my suspicions are falling on the throttle pot. But I may need to interview further suspects. biggrin

Edited by Astacus on Wednesday 12th June 10:04


Original Poster:

3,530 posts

244 months

Monday 10th June 2024
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Thanks Adrian. Really useful insight.

I am hoping to get the car to a rolling road in the near future for a complete diagnistics


Original Poster:

3,530 posts

244 months

Wednesday 12th June 2024
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That’s very nice. I was planning on doing something similar, but yours is very neat.


Original Poster:

3,530 posts

244 months

Wednesday 12th June 2024
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Edited :

Ive been re arranging the drop-down wiring in my spare time this week and just out of interest I had a look at the ECU. The ECU I have is a

86GB12A650-DB which is listed as a Granada ECU on an earlier thread.

The car (like all old TVRs ) has been tinkered with by a number of people and it would be good to know I am starting from at least the correct basics when trying to track down my running issue rofl

Can anyone with a 1990 pre cat car confirm what their ECU code is please. Having an original ECU might not solve the issues I have, but having a substitute isn’t going to help me diagnose issues rofl


Edited by Astacus on Wednesday 12th June 15:33


Original Poster:

3,530 posts

244 months

Thursday 13th June 2024
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Lovely, thanks Ray. Of to the internet to find one of those then, or at least try and work out what the different codes mean.

At a wild guess 88 could be the build year.

The terminal letters should tell me something I guess…..


Original Poster:

3,530 posts

244 months

Thursday 13th June 2024
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mentall said:
Here's the original Ford reference document which matches ECU's and Granada etc engines of our era. And much, much more!
That’s a goldmine isn’t it !
So our ECU is as fitted to MT75 what ever that is ( maybe a Scorpio) and is for non cat cars with no lambda sensor. It also looks like there were even several versions of that.


Original Poster:

3,530 posts

244 months

Friday 14th June 2024
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Love all this new information. This is a steep learning curve.


Original Poster:

3,530 posts

244 months

Sunday 16th June 2024
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So just a quick job for today.

Bailing out the boot and unblocking the drains


Still waiting for the connectors to deal with the rear lights


Original Poster:

3,530 posts

244 months

Friday 28th June 2024
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Ok so using the resource posted by Mentall., I have identified my ECU as coming from a catless 2.4 Granada Scorpio automtic

I am not saying this won’t work but if I can find a correct ECU I’d rather use that and know I am on a firm footing for any future issues.

So if anyone has one that they are prepared to part with for the appropriate number of beer tokens, please do let me know.


Edited by Astacus on Friday 28th June 16:13


Original Poster:

3,530 posts

244 months

Saturday 29th June 2024
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Thanks fellas, much appreciated


Original Poster:

3,530 posts

244 months

Sunday 30th June 2024
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That all rings true doesn’t it! And makes perfect sense. All the more reason to start with the right ECU rofl

I love the idea you kept the ECU and changed the engine rofl I imagine there aren’t many colognes around anymore, unlike for crossflows which you can still pick up for a couple of hundred quid.


Original Poster:

3,530 posts

244 months

Sunday 30th June 2024
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mentall said:
Well: seriously, who wants a 240S?
Well quite. smile


Original Poster:

3,530 posts

244 months

Monday 1st July 2024
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Any luck Mk1fan?


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3,530 posts

244 months

Monday 1st July 2024
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Original Poster:

3,530 posts

244 months

Tuesday 2nd July 2024
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Morning all, does anyone have a recommendation for a car cover that fits the S series well. The poor girl is outside and it’s that time of year again when the sap from my lime tree gets everywhere. No sooner washed than covered in sap again with little dry buds stuck in it everywhere.
Advice much appreciated as ever


Original Poster:

3,530 posts

244 months

Thursday 4th July 2024
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I am begining to think my S3 hates me more than my Vixen does! And that’s saying something.

I finally got the chance to sit down and sort it the rear light clusters last night, having bought matching wiring from Holden and some waterproof connectors from auto connectors and all new bulbs if the appropriate rating. Fixed everything up plugged in the connectors and presto

The headlights now flash in time to indicators, the reversing lights don’t work and the stop lights on one side are so pale you can barely see them

I shut boot on all the tools locked the car and went in for tea.


Original Poster:

3,530 posts

244 months

Thursday 4th July 2024
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Yerse, have something similar. All now working except 1 reversing light oddly. L