Wheel refurb recommendations Bristol/Bath

Wheel refurb recommendations Bristol/Bath



Original Poster:

8,997 posts

292 months

Thursday 7th July 2022
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I have a set of AMG V 16 spoke alloys that I will be looking to get refurbed soon. Do you have any recommendations on places that do great work that you've been impressed with ?



Original Poster:

8,997 posts

292 months

Saturday 26th October 2024
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Just wanted to update this as I finally got the GLC's scabby diamond cut wheels refurbished

I now hate diamond cut with a passion so there was no way I was going to get them re-finished, only for them to go scabby again.

This is before

You can see the corrosion quite clearly here

The others weren't quite so bad, but not great tbh

I chose Village wheels in the end after reading the reviews on google


And decided to get them powder coated, but in Shadow Chrome. Over the moon how they have turned out ! Hopefully being powder coated they should last a hell of a lot longer.

Now, baring in mind these are 20" wheels, total cost - £312 (inc Vat) !