Unmarked police cars in South-West?

Unmarked police cars in South-West?



Original Poster:

57 posts

270 months

Monday 12th March 2007
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Saw the South Wales lot had a parallel thread in their section:


Had a close shave myself last week ....

Very inconspicuous looking dark metallic grey BMW 330D, registration WX56 PJJ.

Cruises M4 around junctions 15 / 16 and beyond. Followed me up the A419 and turned off at the A420 junction, so I would suspect it's based at Gablecross.

Anyone care to add to the list ?

Edited by neil_bolton on Wednesday 13th August 19:20


Original Poster:

57 posts

270 months

Monday 2nd June 2008
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Yet another silver BMW, licence WX56 LWZ spotted in Wroughton, Swindon this morning.
He was accelerating rapidly away with blue dashboard and grille mounted lights flashing.
Fortunately, I was going in the opposite direction. tongue out


Original Poster:

57 posts

270 months

Saturday 3rd January 2009
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Glad to see the little thread I started is still going. smile

P4Replica said:
Very inconspicuous looking dark metallic grey BMW 330D, registration WX56 PJJ.

Cruises M4 around junctions 15 / 16 and beyond.
Seems the same car I mentioned in the first post is still in active service.
Saw it parked with blue lights flashing in the middle of Swindon, yesterday.
Transfer Bridges Roundabout, on Great Western Way, around 2:15pm, to be precise.
The traffic officer appeared to be 'assisting a member of the public'. Yeh right.
Pity about the place he chose to pull them over - and the resulting traffic tail-backs ! rolleyes

Happy New Year to fellow Blue Meanie spotters !


Original Poster:

57 posts

270 months

Saturday 3rd January 2009
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I just noticed this, at the bottom of my original post (dated Monday 12th March 2007)

Edited by neil_bolton on Wednesday 13th August 19:20

Who is 'Neil Bolton' and why is he editing posts 5 months after they were made ????

Edited by P4Replica on Saturday 3rd January 12:00


Original Poster:

57 posts

270 months

Saturday 23rd January 2010
quotequote all
P4Replica said:
Saw the South Wales lot had a parallel thread in their section:


Had a close shave myself last week ....

Very inconspicuous looking dark metallic grey BMW 330D, registration WX56 PJJ.

Cruises M4 around junctions 15 / 16 and beyond. Followed me up the A419 and turned off at the A420 junction, so I would suspect it's based at Gablecross.

Anyone care to add to the list ?
And he finally got me today. Or at least the very same unmarked car did. frown
Failing to wear my seatbelt on a short return trip from the supermarket.
Not in the P4 replica, but in my 'shopping trolley'. redface

"Poetic Retribution" (for starting this thread) as the officer said. Fair Cop, I guess, but .... Grrrr !!

Edited by P4Replica on Saturday 23 January 16:39