July 27th - Possible Hoon? Any Interest?

July 27th - Possible Hoon? Any Interest?



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132 months

Wednesday 9th July 2014
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I'm trying to gauge if there is any interest for a days hoon on the 27th. Me and my Dad (Oortam) are going out for a days hoon as it's the only weekend we'll get this summer where we don't have other plans and he's on shore.

I thought it would be nice to open it up to PH to see if there is any others interested. I've not been to a big meet since the Spring meet. It's a busy year for Gumbaw/Fling/Highland Hoon etc. so lotsw of people are probably occupied with them.

I've not figured out all the details yet as I'd like to know the numbers before finalising it. If there is lots of interest I'm happy to arrange coffee stop/booking for lunch/final meet point and a big car park is required. If it's small, we can figure things out more off the cuff as a large car park isn't as deserately needed. If it's only a handful of people I can offer coffee and buscuits at my flat as a morning meet point and get a chippy by the coast for lunch! All depends on what people's interest is and how many are free.

In terms of route, we were thinking South-West in the Ayr/Stranraer/Dumfries triangle as there are some good roads in there. We would meet at Hermiston Gait initially as there are some good roads heading out South-West not far out of Edinburgh. Obviously people can join up along the route.

Pop your name on the list if you're interested so I can gauge numbers. If you could quote the list above your post and just ad your name on the bottom it would make my life easier. I'll try and keep the top post here up to date.

It probably won't be as well organised as Barry's runs but any excuse to get out and enjoy the sunshine (if it lasts...) and quiet roads!

Also, if you have any suggestions for the run/points of interest etc. then let me know

Username Car
DottyMR2 MR2 Turbo
Oortam Cayman S
knightofni SLK 350
Driver67 BMW 130i
bigwheel Monaro
pscl227 1M Coupe
Jordan Mk2 Golf GTi

Edit: Working on the route at the moment, need to go for a reccy run before I email it all out. I've a few ideas for lunch in the pipeline too, all depends how many we have.
Also added in a mate who isn't on PH but wants to come along.

Edited by DottyMR2 on Tuesday 15th July 16:42

Edited by DottyMR2 on Tuesday 15th July 17:09


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478 posts

132 months

Tuesday 22nd July 2014
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Update: Went and ran most of the route yesterday, although didn't get the afternoon roads due to a slight heat issue with the car...

Going to put the route together today and sort lunch, should be able to send out notes etc. for it tomorrow, I'll email it to everyone when it's done with a google maps link too if anyone wants to put it in their sat nav.


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478 posts

132 months

Wednesday 23rd July 2014
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driver67 said:
Updated list.

Username Car
DottyMR2 MR2 Turbo
Oortam Cayman S
knightofni SLK 350
Driver67 BMW 130i
bigwheel Monaro
pscl227 1M Coupe
iand17 lotus Ellise 111s
Jordan Mk2 Golf GTi
Cheers, someone got forgotten about!

The route is done, I've emailed you all asking fora reply so that I can send the word docs as attachements. The google links are on the word docs for you to have a look.

I've tried to keep it mixed between small twisty stuff and some wider faster stuff.

Lunch is booked with leeway for numbers changing/passengers. Finishing point pub with a car park selected purely because of the petrol station next to it (just in case laugh) and it sells beer, so win win.

Anyone else who signs up after today, add your name to the list and drop me an email through PH and I'll send the route on to you. I should have got everyones email addresses before today silly

Edited by DottyMR2 on Thursday 24th July 09:54


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478 posts

132 months

Monday 28th July 2014
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iand17 said:
Got home fine for 1.30 (2hrs earlier than planned ) car drives perfectly so ironically almost forgot about the damage on way home.
Checked briefly when I got home and all damage seems superficial but will need to get it checked out further and options. Unfortunately as both front and back clams are damaged replacement is £4500 + vat for the 2 parts as a starter so costs quickly mount up.

Sorry for messing up run, thanks Scott for organising, enjoy lunch and hope the afternoon run is good and uneventful, and the MR2 stays cool, thanks for your help and support. Not a good day for me but in reality could have been much worse in many ways.
Didn't mess it up at all Ian, just glad it wasn't a big off, hopefully it all gets fixed without too much fuss. Many scraping issues with that under tray on the way back?

Lunch was good, I'll be remembering that for the next run out that way. I only overheated 2 more times after you left, you all laughed for me bringing 25 litres of water with me too!


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478 posts

132 months

Monday 28th July 2014
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OlberJ said:
Scott, what seems to be the issue with the Mr2 then? It over heating after a hard blast?

Ian, sounds painful, was it just a matter of some garbage weather?
The engine is on it's last legs, it's been a saga with the car but the short version is that one of the many problems is a crack in the block. Luckily no water is getting into the cylinder or oil so it's been sealed to try and wring the last life out of it. So far so good but it won't last forever.

Yesterdays problems though are off the back of the week befores trip to crail I think. We overheated there and I've not got all the air locks out of it since I don't think. I was fine for a while yesterday then the air lock moves, kills the flow and POP!. Without a jack and hours of your time, it's impossible to get them all out. The bleeding routine is rediculous!
I've got work to do this week to see if I can stop it from overheating so often but we're planning a new engine this winter once we can find one as the rest of the car is spot on, no rust and all the suspension is newly put on by us, new brakes etc. so when it does run, it runs well. I'm also going to do some work on the colling system while it's out, new hard pipes need put in, better rad etc. to try and keep it cool. Should be great once that happens!


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132 months

Wednesday 30th July 2014
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driver67 said:
The local farmer who strolled down around 15 mins afterwards said it's a regular occurrence going both ways on this bend.

The surface on the road was super greasy, wet, poorly maintained tarmac.

I was directly behind and have forwarded Ian the vid.


edit, can also get gps coords if required Ian.

Edited by driver67 on Tuesday 29th July 22:37
The surface was terrible on that bend, smooth tar rather than a normal road surface.

Olie, I had thought about a V6, but I just love the delivery of the turbo too much! It's childish but I love the old school way of a laggy big turbo, plus the wastegate is nice! I can't imagine how tight the engine bay is with a V6 in there too, it's hard enough to get any work done to it already thanks to the access. Many a burnt hand so far!

The bleeding is remarkably easier with a jack sicne the thermostat came out too, takes half the time, I guess since there is less places for the air to gather. I have started puting pressure cap to half way and running a fast idle 2 or 3 times when you "think" it's filled. Wee tip from the OC and it does help get that last litre in there.

I think I need to find a nice compact portable jack that can fit under the car I can carry with me though. The only jack I have that fits under (with about 5mm of clearance) is the big trolley jack. It's not exactly ideal to have that monster rolling round in the boot! I'd have no space for all the water I carry laugh

Edited by DottyMR2 on Wednesday 30th July 16:38

Edited by DottyMR2 on Wednesday 30th July 16:38


Original Poster:

478 posts

132 months

Thursday 4th September 2014
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iand17 said:
Nope near Cumnock.

Final confirmation for bodyshop in Edinburgh, estimated repair costs are £16500 on a car worth £14500, so after 4 years of Elise ownership, it will be written off :-(
frown damn, sorry to hear that, what totalled it up to that if you don't mind me asking? Didn't think it caused that much damage when seeing it.

What's the plan then, take the money and get something else or go for another elise?