Special Interest Vehicle permits
NZTA have allocated all of teh 200 SIV permits for this year so if you're thinking of bringing a car in you need to apply to get on teh 2013 list. They are thinking about raising it to 500 but this may not take effect by next year.
For info, here is what got SIV permits this year (I know it doesn't add up to 200, I'll ask NZTA why):
26 Skyline GTRs
26 Corvettes
11 TVRs
46 Mustangs
22 Camaros
6 Jaguars
5 Porsches
3 Ferraris
And the LHD permits (limit of 500 per year) were for:
119 Mustangs
62 Camaros
41 Corvettes
4 Vipers
19 Challengers
For info, here is what got SIV permits this year (I know it doesn't add up to 200, I'll ask NZTA why):
26 Skyline GTRs
26 Corvettes
11 TVRs
46 Mustangs
22 Camaros
6 Jaguars
5 Porsches
3 Ferraris
And the LHD permits (limit of 500 per year) were for:
119 Mustangs
62 Camaros
41 Corvettes
4 Vipers
19 Challengers
hurricane_82 said:
Just found out my T350 isn't one of the 11 TVR's that made it through this years SIV quota - GUTTED.
The T350 was made in numbers of less than 500 per year, like most TVRs, so it can be classed as a low volume vehicle and be LVV certified instead if you want.Be aware that this will cost more and there may be more scrutiny - for example a custom independent front suspension needs individual approval, same as a Saker or Lotus 7 replica does.
A TVR hasn't been done this way recently so there would be a bit of discussion on which regulations would need to be met.
jamieheasman said:
Have they changed the LVV rules in the last couple of years? Last time I looked it was the total production from a manufacturer not the specific model. At one point this meant that a TVR built at the end of the company's production life (2006) could sneak in but nothing prior.
According to the frontal impact rule 2008, for an SIV it used to be:"the vehicle’s make and model has been (or was) manufactured in annual volumes of 20,000 units or less"
Then the 2011 amendment changed it to:
"the vehicle’s make, model and sub-model has been (or was) manufactured in annual volumes of 20,000 units or less;" and this was explained thus:
"The amendment Rule brings the production criteria for 'special interest vehicles' into line with the equivalent permit criterion for left-hand-drive vehicles in Land Transport Rule: Steering Systems 2001, which is that not more than 20,000 vehicles of that make, model and sub-model are produced annually. Removing this inconsistency means that a special interest vehicle that needs permits under both Rules, but which may have only qualified for one, will now meet the annual production volume criteria for both."
You are probably thinking of the definition of a low volume vehicle, which included the wording "manufactured, assembled or scratch-built in quantities of 200 or less at any one location in any one year, by a manufacturer whose total production of motor vehicles does not exceed 200 units over the same period".
This has also now changed:
"make and model of a vehicle... manufactured, assembled or scratch-built in quantities of 500 or less in any one year"
This last part opens up the low volume vehicle criteria to more vehicles, like a lot of TVRs, but one hasn't gone through this route yet so it isn't clear how it would work. Stu, any comment?
Last year I posted this:
Dan M said:
NZTA have allocated all of the 200 SIV permits for this year so if you're thinking of bringing a car in you need to apply to get on the 2013 list. They are thinking about raising it to 500 but this may not take effect by next year.
The quota hasn't been upped from 200 to 500 and the 200 have already been allocated for 2013.Dan
NZTA may have allowed it on compassionate grounds; the ad says: "Family health issues force very regrettable sale of my dream car!!"
I wonder if they've seen his other items for sale on TM. There must be an explanation, maybe the guy is 'selling on behalf' because surely a car dealer/broker wouldn't lie to NZTA.
I wonder if they've seen his other items for sale on TM. There must be an explanation, maybe the guy is 'selling on behalf' because surely a car dealer/broker wouldn't lie to NZTA.
So with that backlog and only 200 permits I wonder how many are left for the next 10 months of 2015... any idea 'uncinqsix'? I'm sure it's been said internally in NZTA, but the system needs an overhaul of some sort - only 10 Camaros per year might free up a few!
Apparently dealers have brought in enough vehicles to take up years worth of permits, which may mean that it's best to bargain hard and buy an already imported car, subject to permit of course.
Apparently dealers have brought in enough vehicles to take up years worth of permits, which may mean that it's best to bargain hard and buy an already imported car, subject to permit of course.
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