Show us yer motor!


Captain Obvious

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5,750 posts

216 months

Monday 10th February 2020
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Thought occurred to me that with a few of us probably are in the same place at the same time for various car events throughout the year and it might be cool to actually say hi if I knew a PH'er was knocking around, (WRC coming up, Leadfoot just gone etc etc).

Anyway, here's mine to kick things off. I'm Auckland based but get around the North Island, if you see me around please feel free to say hi!

Feel free to post a pic the car you take to shows etc below

Captain Obvious

Original Poster:

5,750 posts

216 months

Wednesday 19th February 2020
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dobly said:
Top work squire! Manual one too!

I've seen a red and black one round Auckland but never a blue one. Where abouts are you based?

Captain Obvious

Original Poster:

5,750 posts

216 months

Friday 21st February 2020
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dobly said:
Down South - Dunedin to be exact.
Brilliant! I bet there are some smashing roads around there for it!

Captain Obvious

Original Poster:

5,750 posts

216 months

Sunday 23rd February 2020
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CR6ZZ said:
GravelBen said:

Not too far from me then, I'm in Gore.

Some very nice machinery posted in this thread, I'm letting the team down! hehe
As long as you enjoy what you have - that's what it is all about.
BOOM! Bang on! I have mates with beat up evos and subarus that they take on the gravel roads and while we have fun in our cars, I am jealous they dont care about scratches.

Captain Obvious

Original Poster:

5,750 posts

216 months

Sunday 1st March 2020
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Boydie88 said:
Awesome looking machine. Noted for when I get my VX out here/hands on one already out here.
There are a few out here. There were like 5 vx220 at the show I was at today.

Captain Obvious

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5,750 posts

216 months

Sunday 22nd March 2020
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NZ2002Turbo said:
Here is my 2002 Turbo ..

That is amazing! I have seen a couple of these around auckland, any chance that it was you?

For some reason I want to say the picture looks like wellington but I have no idea why.

Captain Obvious

Original Poster:

5,750 posts

216 months

Sunday 13th December 2020
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Fleet changeout going on for me at the moment, out with the old, in with the new! Sold the landcruiser too in favour of a merc estate car for the mrs.