Show us yer motor!
Thought occurred to me that with a few of us probably are in the same place at the same time for various car events throughout the year and it might be cool to actually say hi if I knew a PH'er was knocking around, (WRC coming up, Leadfoot just gone etc etc).
Anyway, here's mine to kick things off. I'm Auckland based but get around the North Island, if you see me around please feel free to say hi!

Feel free to post a pic the car you take to shows etc below
Anyway, here's mine to kick things off. I'm Auckland based but get around the North Island, if you see me around please feel free to say hi!

Feel free to post a pic the car you take to shows etc below
CR6ZZ said:
GravelBen said:

Not too far from me then, I'm in Gore.
Some very nice machinery posted in this thread, I'm letting the team down!

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