NZ Spotted...



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4,391 posts

267 months

Monday 18th February 2008
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5:50pm, Griff in BRG crept past me heading onto the North Western on-ramp at Te Atatu you were going South bound for the City.

I was in a black Stagea sign written Jansen car at lights in left lane heading North.

You looked great btw!!!


Original Poster:

4,391 posts

267 months

Monday 18th February 2008
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Yip it did although I didnt quite catch it as I was parked in traffic and he went past, so I couldnt quite see what it said.

I thought there was a TVR owner on here that lived out west??

To that I think about it GRIFF might have been on the plate

Edited by Kylie on Monday 18th February 23:45


Original Poster:

4,391 posts

267 months

Friday 18th April 2008
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Ohh forgot, spotted Red S2 Elise in central Auckland turning onto Queens St Wednesday 5:30pm


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4,391 posts

267 months

Monday 1st September 2008
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Kiwi XTR2 said:
A Fraser going through Orewa at 4:30 ish yesterday. Was too slow to see if it was our Roger.
Rogers is blue dont you know with lovely red leather interior tongue out


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4,391 posts

267 months

Monday 1st September 2008
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One for a lurker which I know visits...

Aston Martin Vantage plate ***350
We were following your tail before Kumeu but left you at Murawai turn off. We were in the silver missile.

Edited by Kylie on Monday 1st September 01:07


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4,391 posts

267 months

Sunday 12th October 2008
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Hi Steve welcome aboard! Either spots where yr planning to locate are very nice, you will be well pleased yes
Keep an eye on here as from time to time we do some PH runs and we are well overdue for one!


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4,391 posts

267 months

Monday 13th October 2008
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Oh you need to get another then and bring one with you, for the prices of what Esprits are going for at the moment over there you would be mad not to. There are no hurdles importing these beasties - yet!?! biggrin

There are heaps of Astons here now so youll have no trouble finding one. I am not sure about their club scene/get togethers sorry.
The Lotus club scene here is quite a good one considering the smaller numbers of that in UK but you can see my other thread of what we are up to at the moment. Alpine tour. Plenty of events and friendly people. Theres a small following of TVR here as well. Check the other threads on import restrictions for TVR though.


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4,391 posts

267 months

Tuesday 11th November 2008
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Spotted each other HW 16 tonight yellow S2 Elise. Stunning evening for a hoon out in the forest biggrin


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4,391 posts

267 months

Tuesday 11th November 2008
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I dont think so, looked different. Someone mentioned theres another yellow coloured Liz that lives around Westgate. I really should find out, crazy having another Liz owner only 3km from home and dont know them.


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4,391 posts

267 months

Friday 14th November 2008
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Esprit said:
Kylie said:
Spotted each other HW 16 tonight yellow S2 Elise. Stunning evening for a hoon out in the forest biggrin

Don't suppose it was Tony I was it?
Speak of the tart in his 111R at the lights by me at TeAtatu today, almost side by side but hes got music blarring and hes looking like hes in lala land in a trance looking straight ahead. No tooting or waving from a non descript car catches his eye sadly. Hes such a show off giving it loads of screaming beans from the, I said to myself you barrrstard how dare you snob MEEEE laugh and pull away like a tart!! I might txt hm later smile


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4,391 posts

267 months

Saturday 15th November 2008
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Common as muck those things biggrin


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4,391 posts

267 months

Sunday 16th November 2008
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I know personally a CHCH owner of a lazer blue S2, but my understanding hes in the process of moving to Tauranga, perhaps taking the long way up north wink And he said he was driving up too.


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4,391 posts

267 months

Friday 28th November 2008
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Oh thats funny I just seen it tonight along same road


Original Poster:

4,391 posts

267 months

Friday 28th November 2008
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Actually last night I seen heaps of cool Britsh classics out. Either they were heading off for the weekend or just stretching the legs of their p&js as I were.


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4,391 posts

267 months

Friday 6th February 2009
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Murdock said:
Black Esprit cruising up Hobson St yesterday and on to the Southern Motorway. Sounded very nice indeed, in case you were wondering why some weirdo pulled up alongside while rolling the window down. biggrin
Cool dont suppose you know if it was a V8 or early stevens 4 banger wing or no wing? Theres a few early black Stevens Esprits in Auckland floating about. My previous fling "black beauty" went to Tauranga, miss that car frown


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4,391 posts

267 months

Friday 6th February 2009
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Bull1t said:
Spotted in the driveway I share with my neighbour. Ive only seen it once (Ive only recently moved) and it dont live here but I think my neighbour owns it.
I think these G cars have the most outragous styling of the lot, it looks awesome.


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4,391 posts

267 months

Sunday 22nd March 2009
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alex.tvr said:
Silver Esprit on Queen St, X*Cute.
I think that Geoffs V8GT ?


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4,391 posts

267 months

Monday 6th April 2009
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I know theres a BRG Esprit V8 up round that way? Then again play day on track is on this week down there, so could be a number of Lotus coming out of the wood work for a sniff of track time.


Original Poster:

4,391 posts

267 months

Monday 6th April 2009
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If your in Timmers and need some tools and extra hands I am sure my father would happily help. smile Hes pretty clued up for stuff like this smile Let me know G


Original Poster:

4,391 posts

267 months

Monday 6th April 2009
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Oh so not fair frown