Speed Six - Anyone had a 2nd engine rebuild

Speed Six - Anyone had a 2nd engine rebuild



Original Poster:

2,786 posts

181 months

Wednesday 12th May 2010
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Having been reading loads of threads regarding purchase tips on Tuscans, T350's, Sag's etc... saying look for one with a reputable engine rebuild.

Anyway, how many have required another re-build?

I understand that they had a lot of issues when they first come out of the factory but most of these would have been addressed when they needed re-building.

Is it safe to say if one has had a good re-build that they should then last a few miles (50k or more?)




Original Poster:

2,786 posts

181 months

Wednesday 12th May 2010
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Thanks for your comments guys.

Please keep them coming, the more people to respond with their experiences the better.


Original Poster:

2,786 posts

181 months

Thursday 13th May 2010
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So even though an engine might of had a rebuild its probably better to make sure / look for one that has had a post 05 rebuild (when quality materials were used) and preferrably by a reputable company i.e st8 six, tvr power, racing green?

Would a mk1 tuscan s engine be more fragile than just a "normal" tuscan engine? As its been tuned, re-borred would it be even more fragile?


Original Poster:

2,786 posts

181 months

Thursday 13th May 2010
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Oh i see, got ya :wink:

I'm quite surprised by that really, read a lot of good things about them.

Well when i do finally come to buy i'll make sure the one i get has had a st8 six rebuild as i havent read a single bad comment about them.

With regards to driving a Tuscan, does it feel like a large car to drive? The bonnet looks so long as looks like it might be a pain to park?

One of the reasons i really like the T350 is that its a small car and more manageable around town.


Original Poster:

2,786 posts

181 months

Thursday 13th May 2010
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Yes i agree mechanical sympathy is key, however when buying second hand you dont know how the owner has driven the car.

I think the answer to my question has been answered now. Just need to make sure when looking for a speed 6 engine that a re-build has been completed post '05 and by a respected rebuild guru.

hey Gilbo - i'm not too bad thanks hope your well, when you going to take me out for a spin then? :wink:

I also want to see your TVR engine coffee table - I would so have that in my house.


Original Poster:

2,786 posts

181 months

Thursday 13th May 2010
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well im free whenever you are my friend :wink:

thats a good idea about selling those tables, im sure if you did eventually post pics up you would get lots of interest.


Original Poster:

2,786 posts

181 months

Thursday 13th May 2010
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I have the mk1 RS. If your friend is considering an M3 or 911 then he is probably considering the Mk2 RS.

But, the car is fantastic. I've now installed the Bluefin chip which makes the car come alive and a lot more aggressive. It's a lovely car but no TVR but im enjoying it none the less.

It's nice that you dont see so many many on the road. I've seen more Mk2 RS's than the Mk1's.

Had a little play with a DB9 on the mway the other day. I pulled up beside him and admired his car then he dropped a gear and pulled away. The i caught up with him a little while later (i wasnt chasing him at this point).

Anyway, he was in the middle lane and i was in the outside lanr and spotted him. So put my foot down and got side by side with him by which point he too put his foot down smile

Got up to about 115 leptons and he hadnt pulled away but at this point the OH was shouting in my ear to slow down. I had 4 people in the car and the boot filled with bags. Was going to centre parks for the weekend.

That little play was the highlight of my weekend smile

PS. I know the DB9 would have smashed me but it was still nice to be able to keep up if only for a few seconds. If i was in the Trev im sure things would have been different.

ETA: June is fine mate. Beggers cant be chooses huh

Edited by Diablos-666 on Thursday 13th May 11:34


Original Poster:

2,786 posts

181 months

Wednesday 26th May 2010
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Yeah, that was going to be my next question. Any bought a post 05 (S6 engine), either new or re-built, and still required an engine rebuild again?