Winter tyres vol 2


Shaw Tarse

Original Poster:

31,743 posts

213 months

Saturday 4th January 2014
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The old one has passed 10,000
Time for a new tread.

Shaw Tarse

Original Poster:

31,743 posts

213 months

Saturday 6th September 2014
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bazza1603 said:
bazza1603 said:
Tyreleader... Anyone know if you make a package with rims and tyres....Is mounting the tyre on the rim included?
And the answer is no...
I'd say yes.

Shaw Tarse

Original Poster:

31,743 posts

213 months

Saturday 6th September 2014
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Damn, I'd have thought it would be a drive in. Drive out service!

Shaw Tarse

Original Poster:

31,743 posts

213 months

Wednesday 18th November 2015
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RammyMP said:
My local tyre man is trying to peddle me Evergreen winter tyres, anyone heard of them? I can get a set of Vredstien Wintracs for the same price. Any thoughts?

Evergreens may be fantastic, but based on the fact I've never heard of them, I'd go for the Vreds