Query re tyres



Original Poster:

9 posts

3 months

Friday 1st November 2024
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I am looking at buying an AMG C43 from a Mercedes dealer. I have noted that the rear tyres are different manufacturers, one is a Michelin the other a Pirelli. Both tyres are the same size and rating.

My question is this ok or should the tyres be from the same manufacturer. The front tyres are Pirellis.


Original Poster:

9 posts

3 months

Friday 1st November 2024
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Thank you everyone. They are the same spec and speed rating, but I'll have another go at them though.


Original Poster:

9 posts

3 months

Saturday 2nd November 2024
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Thank you to everyone who commented on my query regarding the none matching rear tyres on an AMG C43 I'm buying.

I've copied and pasted the relevant section from the owners manual which states tyres should be from the same manufacturer and sent it off to the dealer suggesting they need to replace the tyre - Michelin to Pirelli P zero.

The response was the sales manager is away we'll get back to you with a decision about replacing the tyre so that it matches the other rear tyre. Wow.

So, I've now got a Mercedes dealer telling me that the sales manager will decide on whether or not they are going to follow the requirements of the manual for the car in ensuring it has matching tyres from the same manufacturer.

I'm sure that Mercedes UK would have a view on this, the question is who do I contact? Is it a deal breaker, I really like the car, but this attitude from the Mercedes dealer is not good. What else are they skimping on?


Original Poster:

9 posts

3 months

Saturday 2nd November 2024
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The thing that is really bothering me is that a Mercedes main dealer is not following the requirements of the Manual for the car.


Original Poster:

9 posts

3 months

Tuesday 5th November 2024
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Quick update, the dealer has agreed to fit a Pirelli so that all 4 tyres match. Don't ask, don't get !!