Annoying brake squeal



Original Poster:

295 posts

79 months

Saturday 16th November 2024
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Just recently replaced my front pads and discs due to needing a caliper changing too

The pads were actually alright as I only fit them last year.

Using the same brand pads and discs as I used before and I greased the back of the pads and ends that slide with mintex ceramic grease but I’m now getting Brahe squeal only at speeds more than around 30mph

Any idea why this is, what actually causes the squeal?

Changed my own discs and pads hundreds of times and didn’t do anything differently, wondering why it’s started doing it now everything’s new

Any suggestions??

Car is a 2013 Kia ceed


Original Poster:

295 posts

79 months

Monday 25th November 2024
quotequote all
The other caliper was replaced 6 months back.
Yep sliders greased. Clips where the pads slide on cleaned. There are no other spring clips/retaining clips