What’s in the paint shop today?

What’s in the paint shop today?



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111 months

Thursday 30th March 2023
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ETA: Hope this post is in the right subforum, maybe a mod can move if necessary?

Hello you lot

Once in a while we get something unusual and/or interesting in the paint shop where I’m working at the minute, thought I’d post a few pics here when we do (if anyone cares of course). We will see smile

This beauty turned up for a full respray in Opel Apple Green the other day, we’re just missing the bonnet.

Nice to see someone keeping one of these in fine fettle smile

Edited by BrownEaredDog on Thursday 13th April 17:09


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111 months

Thursday 30th March 2023
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paintman said:
OP says 'We're just missing the bonnet' which I take to mean they've still to paint the bonnet.

I just wanted to show the before/after, though I'm not actually certain that the original colour was Apple Green; our hugely sunny climate (not) here in Denmark isn't usually enough to discolour a green this much...

The new colour is very nice indeed.

Edited by BrownEaredDog on Thursday 30th March 12:20


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111 months

Thursday 30th March 2023
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C5_Steve said:
Ah sorry I miss read it clearly but the grill being a diff colour as well made me wonder!

The bonnet looks like that minty green that Tigras used to come in, much prefer that Apple Green it's stunning.
Yes, I think you're right about the original colour; that slightly feeble, washed-out green they used to use :-D

I think the Apple Green is from the new Mokka e. It's nice to see some colourful cars on the roads after years of silver/white/black...


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111 months

Thursday 6th April 2023
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A project Mustang turned up the other day; it’s now the same colours, but with a matte finish which changed my opinion from “looks ok” to “hmm” smile

The light was too bad to get a photo of the matte finish yesterday, I’ll see it it’s still there on Tuesday next week.

It’ll be ace when it’s done no matter what. I didn’t get a look under the bonnet, but it sounds fantastic smile


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111 months

Tuesday 11th April 2023
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paintman said:
My thoughts too although I'm more likely to go to 'Oh dear'.
OK I suppose if you want to try it as a wrap.
“Oh dear” indeed yuck


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111 months

Tuesday 11th April 2023
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Pepperpots said:
Aside from the truly gopping wheels, it's nice.
In isolation it's ok I suppose, but I preferred the gloss finish, looks somehow classier. Still, my opinion matters not one jot as long as the punter likes it smile

+1 with regard to the wheels, the tiny rear brake discs look a little lost there too.


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111 months

Tuesday 11th April 2023
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C5_Steve said:
Seems strange to get the exact same paint scheme but just change to matte.
Aye; our paint guy doesn't know the reason, but I'll try to ask the boss if he knows why. Shame I didn't get a close up of the gloss, it really was a lovely job, deep and lustrous.


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111 months

Wednesday 12th April 2023
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A new old thing turned up yesterday. Not many of these left on the road over here. Always had a bit of a soft spot for them.

I present a Rover 620ti smile


Original Poster:

723 posts

111 months

Thursday 13th April 2023
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Pepperpots said:
Should be even more so when we’re done with it smile

Halfway there:

At least I hope we are and that the customer hasn’t asked us to only paint the sides smile

…and a little bonus from a boat we’re working on. I generally dislike water and stuff that floats about on it, but I’m also a sucker for an 8.2 litre V8 spin

Edited by BrownEaredDog on Thursday 13th April 17:04


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111 months

Thursday 13th April 2023
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paintman said:
Gallons to the mile!
I'll bet you're not far wrong there smile


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111 months

Thursday 13th April 2023
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V1nce Fox said:
Great thread idea OP.

Friend used to own a body shop years ago and let me do a bit here and there. Loved the whole process and seeing the variety of stuff that came through as well as the various techniques used and the results possible.
Thanks V1nce smile Yes, it’s surprising how many interesting cars pop up, even more so given the fact that we’re a little shop in a small town somewhere in Denmark.


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111 months

Tuesday 18th April 2023
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In the middle of prep on this today. Who would have thought that 2CVs were constructed from long razor blades spot welded together? biglaugh Only cut myself twice so far eek

Condition is actually amazing given that it’s not a reproduction body shell.
Not the greatest photos, but there’s not much to photograph really smile


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111 months

Tuesday 18th April 2023
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EmailAddress said:
Have you got a website mate?
Me? Nope smile


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111 months

Tuesday 18th April 2023
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V1nce Fox said:
hehe reminds me of prepping undersides of bonnets. Lost count of the amount of times.
Ha, I hear you smile Not quite so bad on modern OEM panels, but pattern parts still have nasty razor edges.


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111 months

Friday 21st April 2023
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A little background for the 2CV. There's a new motor museum opening in Copenhagen and they want an "exploded" 2CV to hang from a ceiling. That's where we come in with regard to the bodywork. We've done the wheels they sent us (banded, I'm guessing an extra 10 mm added for some reason) and the rear wings. The bodyshell is from a newer 2CV, but with the rear 3/4 windows blocked, welded and filled to make it look like a ripple-bonnet model. I hope they send us a period-correct bonnet though; my OCD will not allow the newer bonnet pictured in the photo hehe

Hope I can get some photos of the painted shell, I clean forgot yesterday.


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111 months

Friday 21st April 2023
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Meanwhile, an Opel Kadett C coupé shell popped up. Not sure if the customer wants us to do more than prep though. I hope so, I love these smile


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111 months

Thursday 11th May 2023
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It’s been a little quiet here, but this turned up today: an AE92 Corolla GTI 16. It’s in very good nick given that it’s probably well over 30 years old. I think it’s in for a full respray, hope I can get more pics next week.


In other news, there are more bloody razor-sharp 2CV pattern panels. Not a pleasure to work on. ( ._.)

…and the quality of the assembly (such as it is) is questionable smile

That’s it for now, until next time smile


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111 months

Thursday 11th May 2023
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Nightmare said:
Wow that 2CV is shocking! I guess at least the metal isn’t so thin you can dent it with your thumb like some newer Citroens. Or is it?!

Wonder how many Corolla Gtis there are still on the road. Not sure if I’ve ever actually seen one in the metal!
The metal is amazingly thin apart from the bits of flash where it's been cut or drilled - then it's both thin yet strangely hard; I'm guessing the drilling has heated the metal which has then cooled to become small evil razors biggrin Most of the newer panels are pattern parts produced (rather haphazardly) in Germany as far as I can see.

It's certainly a while since I've seen a Corolla GTI. There are actually a few boggo AE92s around here, all seemingly in good condition and possibly driven since new by their current owners smile I'll try to sneak a pic next time I see one.


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111 months

Thursday 11th May 2023
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jamieduff1981 said:
I love that 620Ti. Oxford Blue, paint code JSJ if memory serves. It's a beautiful colour in the sunlight.
Ah, nice bit of info, thanks smile Oxford Blue was a connection to the Cowley plant, maybe? It looked lovely, a shame I didn’t get to see the finished job frown


Original Poster:

723 posts

111 months

Tuesday 6th June 2023
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It’s pretty quiet here at the moment, run-up to summer I suppose. Lots of people want their furniture done though :-/

Still, I’ve got stuff to be getting on with…yet another 2CV smile Not sure whether this one’s going to be a driver or another museum display.