S1 Elise Oil Temperature Reading

S1 Elise Oil Temperature Reading



Original Poster:

601 posts

48 months

Thursday 14th November 2024
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Relatively new to the Elise and have noticed that the oil temperature reading bounces around by 5 -8 degrees. it can go from 85 to 93 to 85 to 87 to 94 within a couple of seconds and continues to fluctuate all the time. Is this typical or do other owners get steady readings?


Original Poster:

601 posts

48 months

Thursday 14th November 2024
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nessiemac said:
Does the S1 have an oil temp gauge?

I'm sure mine doesn't.

Do you mean water temp?
It's not a gauge as such but it is shown in the digital display along with odometer and fuel level.

Edited by Cryssys on Thursday 14th November 17:58


Original Poster:

601 posts

48 months

Friday 15th November 2024
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Thanks for the replies. Feel a bit of an idiot now! frown

Don't know why but I had always assumed that it was the oil temperature. I think it was because it usually reads between 87 - 94, sometimes a few degrees higher which is a bit worrying. Think I need to check things out!