Opinons re merge in turn
Hi all, have been lurking here for a short while, and would be interested in hearing your opinions on something I encountered yesterday.
There are currently roadworks at the east end of the dual carriage way Bedford bypass (A421), lane 2 is closed prior to a contra-flow into the west bound carriage way. As seems usual there is a 40mph limit in place from about 2 miles back from the closure of lane 2, signs indicating the impending lane closure every 200 yards, and a couple of signs directing traffic to "merge in turn" shortly before the closure of lane 2. My understanding of this set up is that traffic should continue to use both lanes for as long as they are available, and then merge zip-lock style just prior to the cones closing lane 2.
So I was was driving east at about half past six, in lane 2, slowed to 40mph just prior to entering the start of the roadworks, and slowed gradually to 25-30mph as lane 1 slowed to a stop. At this point we are still over a mile from where lane 2 closes. So I continue in lane 2 past the people needlessly (in my view) queing in lane 1. As I pass the 600 yards to closure marker, a guy in a z3M coupe pulls out from lane 1, a couple of hundred yards ahead, and stops in lane 2, moving only when traffic in lane 1 moves. His only intent clearly being to prevent me from passing. Nothing I can do about that, so I just follow behind him and we both eventually merge into lane 1 at the point I intended to all along - around 75-100 yards from the cones.
The incident has made me think though:
Have I mis-understood the meaning of "merge in turn", and was therefore in the wrong for staying in lane 2?
Did I correctly interpret "merge in turn", but should have switched to lane 1 earlier anyway, as no one else seemed to be following it?
Or was I in the right, and the driver of the z3 was being a numpty?
Any and all insights gratefully received,
[edited for typos]
>> Edited by akamal on Friday 31st March 14:59
There are currently roadworks at the east end of the dual carriage way Bedford bypass (A421), lane 2 is closed prior to a contra-flow into the west bound carriage way. As seems usual there is a 40mph limit in place from about 2 miles back from the closure of lane 2, signs indicating the impending lane closure every 200 yards, and a couple of signs directing traffic to "merge in turn" shortly before the closure of lane 2. My understanding of this set up is that traffic should continue to use both lanes for as long as they are available, and then merge zip-lock style just prior to the cones closing lane 2.
So I was was driving east at about half past six, in lane 2, slowed to 40mph just prior to entering the start of the roadworks, and slowed gradually to 25-30mph as lane 1 slowed to a stop. At this point we are still over a mile from where lane 2 closes. So I continue in lane 2 past the people needlessly (in my view) queing in lane 1. As I pass the 600 yards to closure marker, a guy in a z3M coupe pulls out from lane 1, a couple of hundred yards ahead, and stops in lane 2, moving only when traffic in lane 1 moves. His only intent clearly being to prevent me from passing. Nothing I can do about that, so I just follow behind him and we both eventually merge into lane 1 at the point I intended to all along - around 75-100 yards from the cones.
The incident has made me think though:
Have I mis-understood the meaning of "merge in turn", and was therefore in the wrong for staying in lane 2?
Did I correctly interpret "merge in turn", but should have switched to lane 1 earlier anyway, as no one else seemed to be following it?
Or was I in the right, and the driver of the z3 was being a numpty?
Any and all insights gratefully received,
[edited for typos]
>> Edited by akamal on Friday 31st March 14:59
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