Northants Run IX



Original Poster:

3,298 posts

254 months

Tuesday 18th April 2006
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Looking at August 13th....


Original Poster:

3,298 posts

254 months

Tuesday 18th April 2006
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mark r skinner said:
looks good, but what about a mini-run? some time in june?

Yep, don't do them in June bacause of Le Mans ... you going ?

Deliberately keep the Northants runs spaced out mate, otherwise it's not quite so special
April / August / Oct


Original Poster:

3,298 posts

254 months

Tuesday 2nd May 2006
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Trackside said:
obes said:
Looking at August 13th....
GP Masters at Silverstone, first time 'Our Nige' has raced in the UK since '92 (Ford Mundaneos don't count!), it's gonna be good...

Or, a blat round the countryside with a bunch of sportscars, a pint, some grub and a good ole chinwag...

...Isn't the racing on telly?

Got any more details on this trace ?
... me's got me an idea.......