'Northants Run' sticker

'Northants Run' sticker


Skid Solo

Original Poster:

324 posts

239 months

Wednesday 26th April 2006
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I have been making up some designs for stickers that our little convoy is going to put on our cars when we go to Le Mans. Among the ideas was this one for a 'Northants Runners' sticker.
I know there was talk of something on these lines in the run thread and custardkid was looking into it (hope I am not treading on your toes custardkid) but its been a while now and just wondered what people thought of it.


Skid Solo

Original Poster:

324 posts

239 months

Wednesday 26th April 2006
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Will look into getting this and the others made ready for Le Mans.

p.s YHM

Skid Solo

Original Poster:

324 posts

239 months

Thursday 27th April 2006
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mxdi said:

Forgot to ask, can I nick that design for our Pistonfest flag? Pretty please

>> Edited by mxdi on Wednesday 26th April 23:16

skid solo

Original Poster:

324 posts

239 months

Friday 28th April 2006
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The mail related to the Tracksides predicament and I was asking for your contact no. for when I arrive at PF.
Shall be going up in convoy with them so not too much of an issue now.

Bring the stickers please cause it will give me an idea of size for the Le Mans name decals.