Kettering Klan Thursday meets

Kettering Klan Thursday meets



Original Poster:

2,355 posts

247 months

Thursday 4th May 2006
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After discussion meets will now be held on a Thursday.

Trading Post complained about us taking up their car parking spaces so we decided not to have our drinks there and went to the Overstone Arms in Pychley instead. (after a rather spectacular blip I must add )

So. Open for venue suggestions. One mentioned was the Hobgoblin just off the A14 South Kettering next to the Odeon Cinema.

Fire away your suggestions Ketteringers


Original Poster:

2,355 posts

247 months

Thursday 4th May 2006
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Did you get airborne then??

I'm not fussed where we go. Could always try a few and decide from there.


Original Poster:

2,355 posts

247 months

Thursday 4th May 2006
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If we meet at the Hobsons Choice place by the cinema next meet we could drive out to the other posible suggestions to show where they are.

I'll happily run off a few maps to detail where suggested meet points are for thos who need them. I'll take ones showing Lowick and Pytchley. Any others I should do?


Original Poster:

2,355 posts

247 months

Monday 8th May 2006
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So we on for the Hobson's Choice this Thursday?


Original Poster:

2,355 posts

247 months

Monday 8th May 2006
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I have printed maps of where Rockingham, Slipton (Samuel Pepy's), Sywell and Lowick are for distribution to those less knowledgeable on the area.

We can then decide whether to hold the next meet at one of these alternative pubs.

I'll make 5 copies of each, should be enough.


Original Poster:

2,355 posts

247 months

Monday 8th May 2006
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Doode, it just obviusly aint meant to be.

Not everyone is gonna like everyone else enough to have a relationship with them.

Better to say no from the start than be lead to believe you have something special only to find later on, once you are deeply emotionally involved, that it is wrong.

Chin up matey, life moves on and opportunities will come round!


Original Poster:

2,355 posts

247 months

Monday 8th May 2006
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Yep, who would trust a species that bleeds for 5 days and doesn't die


Original Poster:

2,355 posts

247 months

Monday 8th May 2006
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Hook through Broughton just off the A43 and meet us at the Red Lion if you like and we can roll in together.


Original Poster:

2,355 posts

247 months

Monday 8th May 2006
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Um, I should be there by 7:45