Integra Type R (DC2) prices

Integra Type R (DC2) prices



Original Poster:

864 posts

230 months

Thursday 18th May 2023
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Hi All,

Not seen many UK spec DC2s sold recently. What a are prices on them these days? e.g. rot box / fair / good / A1 conditions? In about a years time these will be able to be shipped to US market.

Can anyone guide?


Original Poster:

864 posts

230 months

Tuesday 23rd May 2023
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Adamcrs said:
My Feb 1998 UKDM got an agreed valuation of £19k for insurance last April. Valuation lasts 2 years.
Amazing! What miles you got on your DC2?

Mine on 111k 99 spec. Never see any on the road these days. Might see another one at a PH meet.

Prices seem on a upward trend.

From what i understand they need to be over 24 years old to be imported into the US. They are crazy about them over there!

Mine few months back


Original Poster:

864 posts

230 months

Thursday 25th May 2023
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Would be great to get a few Tegs together


Original Poster:

864 posts

230 months

Friday 12th January
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That is mega money. Wonder if it will attract any US buyers ?