Honda civic 63 with a yellow circle on the dash

Honda civic 63 with a yellow circle on the dash



Original Poster:

16 posts

6 months

Thursday 8th August
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Hello people been disabling this while driving and now it comes on in my dash when I’m starting any ideas petrol 1.4


Original Poster:

16 posts

6 months

Thursday 8th August
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Trying to post a pic but can’t see how to it’s a Awith a yellow line around it with a Speer at the end like for the auto stop start on the speedomitor and also a red one on the dash board same


Original Poster:

16 posts

6 months

Thursday 8th August
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Not causing any problems but wondering should I get it into the garage


Original Poster:

16 posts

6 months

Thursday 8th August
quotequote all
Yup auto idle stop