Auxiliary Drive Belt and Tensioner + Preventive Maintenance

Auxiliary Drive Belt and Tensioner + Preventive Maintenance



Original Poster:

25 posts

36 months

Monday 4th November 2024
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I recently had my MOT on my 66 plate M2 which has now done 35000 miles. They mentioned that the drive belt had a bit of play. He said it would likely be okay but wanted to point it out. Anyway the quote to replace was £277. What do you think of the price? Also how often are you supposed to replace these? What do you consider good practice?

It also got me thinking as the car is 8 years old now if there were any other preventative maintenance items that’s should be done. I have heard about plastic charge pipes etc. Does anyone have a list of what should be done and when. I had the diff oil done at the time of the last service.

My car has been absolutely faultless with no issues at all since I picked it up 7 years ago but I plan on keeping the car a very long time so want to make sure it’s well looked after. Cheers.

Edit - I am also interested in the same for the S55 cars as well as N55 as I have an M3 also.


Original Poster:

25 posts

36 months

Friday 29th November 2024
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Thanks for the post. That’s a lot of history smile

Sorry I was referring to the auxiliary drive belt and tensioner. I haven’t done anything about it yet. I was wondering if anyone else had done theirs and what the cost was?