Switching on the sub when the amp is switched on

Switching on the sub when the amp is switched on



Original Poster:

4,569 posts

216 months

Thursday 11th May 2023
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I have a subwoofer connected to my Denon AVR1912 that I want to be switched on automatically when the amp comes out of standby. Is there any way to do this as accessing the plugs is not easy.

I was thinking of using smart plugs and have the sub switch on if the amp is using > 20w so it would need two plugs linked together and an IFTTT sequence.


Original Poster:

4,569 posts

216 months

Friday 12th May 2023
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Techno9000 said:
You may wish to try an auto sensing extension lead, such as the 'one click intelligent mains panel'.

Plug the AV receiver into the first socket and, when it draws power, the other sockets are switched on.
Sounds ideal, but the reviews are mixed.

I managed to find a power monitor plug to test the consumption of the sub, but it only seems to be 7w when there is no output so probably not worth it now.