Brawn: The Impossible Formula 1 Story

Brawn: The Impossible Formula 1 Story



Original Poster:

9,647 posts

267 months

Wednesday 15th November 2023
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Streaming now on Disney+. Four eps, hosted by Keanu Reeves. I've watched ep. 1 and it's pretty good although di Montezemolo is still a bit salty about the whole thing.


Original Poster:

9,647 posts

267 months

Friday 17th November 2023
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iandc said:
Agree with the comment above re Bernie!
Except I reckon he was right when he said they had enough money to build one good car.


Original Poster:

9,647 posts

267 months

Friday 17th November 2023
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Teatowell said:
Do you think they switched that to Ruben’s to hedge their bets once they’d seen Button lose his head then? Or at that time they had the money to build two cars then?
More money came in during the season