What C124PPY personalised plates have you seen? Vol.3

What C124PPY personalised plates have you seen? Vol.3



Original Poster:

23,103 posts

168 months

Tuesday 16th July 2019
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fatboy b

9,599 posts

226 months

Tuesday 16th July 2019
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I’ll kick this volume off then. Seen at the weekend on a 2-seater Merc convertible.


Furthermore it was my brother (Russell) driving it. We don’t get on. Now I’m even more glad we don’t get on. laugh


13,806 posts

199 months

Tuesday 16th July 2019
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fatboy b said:
I’ll kick this volume off then. Seen at the weekend on a 2-seater Merc convertible.


Furthermore it was my brother (Russell) driving it. We don’t get on. Now I’m even more glad we don’t get on. laugh


2,999 posts

195 months

Tuesday 16th July 2019
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X 4LEX. (I think)

On a car I’ve never seen before - a pale blue modern Jaguar Roadster with white circles on it and project 7 stickers. Looked quite nice but as ever, spoiled by the number plate.


11 posts

73 months

Tuesday 16th July 2019
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Yes, in that format. The cringe was too much to bear. Checked the MOT, it definitely wasn’t a hybrid, but a low and cambered BMW 5 series. Probably running the plates illegally.

Edited by DieselDemon on Tuesday 16th July 23:40


17,042 posts

281 months

Wednesday 17th July 2019
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Saw a few at the F1 at the weekend, mainly on the camp site ...

Let's have the best one first .... Steve lets us know his sporting likes

On the way home

This one was earlier tonight ... V8 n' all.

Edited by uk66fastback on Wednesday 17th July 09:05

Jaguar steve

9,232 posts

220 months

Wednesday 17th July 2019
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bluezedd said:
uk66fastback said:
That Bentley is such a lovely Bentley. What can I do to afford a Bentley like this Bentley?
All you need to do is buy a knackered Chrysler 300 from somebody living on a static home park in the Essex Badlands whose just about to go "abroad" for 18 months for GBH and handling stolen goods then spend about £25 on a Baby Bentley badge kit from ebay.

It will of course already have the obligatory Chavplate fitted so no need for any more expenditure. smile


9,386 posts

111 months

Wednesday 17th July 2019
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1,956 posts

69 months

Wednesday 17th July 2019
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Going to put the obligatory post here - I don't mind spacing on a plate 5 digits or less, any more digits, particularly with the current style plates, looks fking crap.

Noticed that a guy I play 5-a-side football with has a RR Evoque with a personalised plate, not spaced incorrectly but has this really crap font on it, thinner than standard and kind of futuristic.

A genuinely really nice bloke, always laughing and smiling and not at all chavvy - not the type you would associate with a crap plate like that. I was disappointed in him as I saw him leave the car park


20,099 posts

137 months

Wednesday 17th July 2019
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Chavplating ignorant cretin parks illegally causing major obstruction to pedestrians shocker. rolleyes

The sense of entitlement is high with this one:



17,042 posts

281 months

Wednesday 17th July 2019
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samwhite said:
Going to put the obligatory post here - I don't mind spacing on a plate 5 digits or less, any more digits, particularly with the current style plates, looks fking crap.

Noticed that a guy I play 5-a-side football with has a RR Evoque with a personalised plate, not spaced incorrectly but has this really crap font on it, thinner than standard and kind of futuristic.

A genuinely really nice bloke, always laughing and smiling and not at all chavvy - not the type you would associate with a crap plate like that. I was disappointed in him as I saw him leave the car park
"Just because you are a character, doesn't mean you have character"

Mr Wolf


20,083 posts

126 months

Wednesday 17th July 2019
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L80SSA. Ideal for a Vauxhall Nova.

Edited by nonsequitur on Wednesday 17th July 12:13


134 posts

191 months

Wednesday 17th July 2019
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White with Horrible red/orange splitter/rear diffuser AM Vanquish doing laps of borehamwood High street making a ton of noise.

The 6 had the obligatory numberplate screw in it to make it look like a G.

Shaw Tarse

31,744 posts

213 months

Wednesday 17th July 2019
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Mis-spaced so I'll post it here 1 1OAD on a tipper lorry
I thought it looked OK


839 posts

227 months

Wednesday 17th July 2019
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Why? Just why?


839 posts

227 months

Wednesday 17th July 2019
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What's the original plate?
I also think that 'BOB' might be a bit of a cock..


3,814 posts

156 months

Wednesday 17th July 2019
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COX 808 is the reg.


839 posts

227 months

Wednesday 17th July 2019
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LARK F1 GTR said:
COX 808 is the reg.
Oh ... how come?


12,940 posts

252 months

Wednesday 17th July 2019
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(Blue badge on display, so in this case not one for the bad parking thread.)


20,099 posts

137 months

Wednesday 17th July 2019
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Those kissy kissy Chavplates are a total
cringe fest.

Meanwhile, its good to see the local doctor upholding the usual high professional standards associated with the medical profession scratchchin with this pile of st

