How do I remove moss-like green stuff from window rubbers?

How do I remove moss-like green stuff from window rubbers?



Original Poster:

16,206 posts

216 months

Wednesday 7th February 2007
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I have green stuff growing on my window rubbers, thanks to the fact that my car sits in a damp, shaded spot. ASDA mould and milldew remover does a champion job of removing milldew from the bathroom tile grouting (and curry stains from white shirts!) but I wouldn't risk using it on the car as it might bleach the paint!! Is there a product on the market specifically for dealing with this problem or do folks know of another solution?


Original Poster:

16,206 posts

216 months

Wednesday 7th February 2007
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Mr MoJo said:
Hot soapy water, a cloth and alot of scrubbing always works on the Rangie and that sits around doing very little most of the week.

Any specific type of soap?

Mr MoJo said:
Once you've got it, it seems to return quite quickly though

Yeah, I've noticed that having had a less severe case of it before and cleaned it off. Perhaps new window rubbers all round is the answer... which also means a new back window rolleyes I'm planning to move in the next year and when I do the car will get an extensive cosmetic overhaul. No point doing it now as it'll give the local nob-heads a blank canvass to make their mark on, but once I'm relocated eight years of collective chav-damage will be wiped-out in one wallet-thrashing refurb-fest!