Too many broken springs. WTF is going on

Too many broken springs. WTF is going on



Original Poster:

2,658 posts

255 months

Sunday 14th September 2008
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Wifey's car (Mondeo) failed MOT due to a broken rear coil spring which was not obvious as it had broken right on the end.

Then my neighbour told me his car ( BMW 3 Series) had broken two front suspension springs.

Then another neighbour said her Ford Fusion had broken a front spring which caused her to leave the road and enter a hedge.

Brother in law told me today his Fiesta failed the MOT due to a..............broken spring.

His daughter was put in a ditch when a front spring on her Corsa broke and slashed the tyre!

WTF is going on with springs these days? Is it all the "traffic calming " rubbish on our roads? Some rumble strips around here ( Flintshire)) almost remove the fillings in our teeth. Most irritating are the ones we have to endure as we are leaving a 30 limit.

Any one else have spring troubles?


Original Poster:

2,658 posts

255 months

Monday 15th September 2008
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Looks like we need to start a campaign. ABD? AA? Anyone?

SOS. Save Our Springs