Anyone remember Revs magazine?

Anyone remember Revs magazine?


Famous Graham

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26,553 posts

231 months

Tuesday 28th December 2010
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Does anyone know if old articles exist online? I know the mag got canned a few years ago, but the "trace your old car" thread prompted me to have a bit of a search around for my old MG Metro Turbo.

I took part in a Mk2 photoshoot/feature for aforementioned mag, probably in 97 or thereabouts, hence the thought about Revs.

Famous Graham

Original Poster:

26,553 posts

231 months

Tuesday 28th December 2010
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Oh, brilliant. I didn't know Bauer were EMAP under a new guise. I can go one better than that, I'm in contact with their web marketing manager as they're a client of ours biggrin

Famous Graham

Original Poster:

26,553 posts

231 months

Wednesday 5th January 2011
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K50 DEL said:
I still have the majority of the issues at home, I bought every one from the start up to about 2002 or so and have never thrown any away.

Can you remember which issue your motor was in?
Gawd, no biggrin All I remember was there were three of us, two with MkIIs and one MkI and the article was a general "guide" to Metro Turbos. Mine was BRG, the other MKII was red I think.