GT4RS - Availability, what’s the latest?

GT4RS - Availability, what’s the latest?



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Thursday 27th January 2022
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Wondered what’s the latest people are hearing about the 4RS, how long they are going to be built for, likely numbers etc. Be nice to have a chance of one late on in the build run maybe, once the initial talk dies down?


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Friday 28th January 2022
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Mad Scientist said:
julian987R said:
Once they see the prices north of £500K are being asked, maybe (as discussed above) they could hit £800K+, then I doubt these owners will be thrashing them anymore.

I’ll have whatever you’re drinking please


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Wednesday 27th April 2022
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J Chitty said:
If there is going to be available slots then give them to current gt4 owners. The dealers will get 2 sales for the price of one!
I’ll put a kidney on organbay for that package
Certainly helps having a GT car to pass back to the dealer. Also, I’d venture to say it’s fair enough selling the likes of the GT4RS to guys who have bought a GT car before. But be even better if they sold them to people who actually use there cars as well rather than leaving them lying under a cover.


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Wednesday 27th April 2022
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J Chitty said:
Fin, I did 300 miles the weekend, is that enough?
Also by giving to current gt4 owners it shows they are committed to those who like the platform. I’ve had cayman since 2007! Non of that 911 4x4 malarkey for me


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Monday 11th December 2023
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Far Cough said:
You must be deaf if you didn't think it was loud although you probably had a helmet on. Try one without ...... It's ridiculous and put me off getting one !!
Harry tested one at 110db on full throttle near his head in the cabin - hard to believe Porsche are building and selling a car in this day and age with the potential to cause hearing damage in normal use…..

Edited by finmac on Tuesday 6th February 10:38


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Monday 11th December 2023
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Far Cough said:
ChrisW. said:
Well, actually, I am a little deaf and I was wearing a helmet ...
Maybe that will go in your favour then if you want one ..... Or it will totally finish you off !!

@Finmac - I didn't see HM do that test but having hooned one round the Alps for a few hours, I was more than happy to give it back !!
smile Such a shame, I’d love one but have tinnitus already - no desire to make it any worse, so it would be noise cancelling headphones if I get an allocation.

Edited by finmac on Thursday 8th February 23:13


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Tuesday 12th December 2023
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AndrewD said:
I’m genuinely stumped by all this talk of ear defenders for the GT4RS. Has PH been annexed to the Saga forum? smile

It really isn’t all that loud. It is a bit stiff on bumpy cambered B roads but not terrible.

But loud? No. If you think it is loud, dare I say you need to drive some properly loud cars smile
Have a lifetime of “properly loud” cars and have got permenant tinnitus as a result. Each to their own, it’s your hearing after all, personally wish I could turn the clock back re my own hearing. Now if I’m driving my Exige or Caterham I wear noise cancelling headphones….


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Tuesday 19th December 2023
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Chamon_Lee said:
I haven't gathered the full story but came on the threading reading about 200k overs then a total price of 500k and then an absolute cracker of very quickly being 800k. First thought in my head is everyone is on crack but I tend to always be an odd ball when it comes to some pricing of cars.

So what is the current situation or what did in fact play out?
all I see is this isn't turning out to be the mythical unicorn everyone assumed it would be.

Just checked there is 24 available and starting at around 160k. so whats the debrief on this pricing situation.
What’s happening? Multiple factors I guess,actual car/road tests arguably didn’t meet the pre release hype. Seriously hardcore/noisy etc, the big fish who got the first cars didn’t see their “investment” realise so bailed. Plus of course the fact Porsche are building quite a few of them anyway. Long term, these may I suspect well end up like 964RS in terms of desireability/values etc. (Disliked for many years then started to be “appreciated” and values went into orbit).


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Wednesday 20th December 2023
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jackwood said:
TDT said:
As ever Chris, probably need to drive one for a little bit yoursef and get familiar with it. Could well be ok with a decent alignment as rates are up quite a bit… so ought work on decent surfaces of most tracks. At least then you can be sure if spending the extra would be a benefit.

Some road driving impressions…

Edited by TDT on Tuesday 19th December 21:30
What the hell was that?!? Lol!! Would anyone ever seriously make a purchase based on that nonsense?!? biglaugh
Hard to believe that guy has 100K subscribers, doesn’t seem to know much about cars!


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Wednesday 20th December 2023
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GTRene said:
did I see it correct? is there no mid in between window (glas/plastic) between driver and engine?

ifso then its logic that carbon air-collecter helps so much in the interior sound, if there is no window, then maybe its possible to instal such say plastic a bit sound deadening window?
Interesting idea. I wonder if the intake noise comes from the actual external intakes or the actual carbon air box? If the later then in theory you could fit a clear Perspex cover to sound deaden it a bit?


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Friday 22nd December 2023
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ChrisW. said:
For interest ... on CC.

Ending in 90 minutes ... a £160k car at UK list ? no lift ... but PCCB's ... Eur 170k at the moment, a Swedish car ...
Reading this got me thinking about Spec on GT4RS. Almost all the UK cars seem to come loaded with £35K odd worth of PCCB, Weisach, mag wheels etc. I’d have thought that if people wanted an RS as primarily a track car then steel brakes, stock wheels and no weisach would be a lot cheaper while losing very little in dynamic terms? Given how low the car is though axle lift a bit of a no brainer….


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Saturday 23rd December 2023
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HokumPokum said:
i actually want a no frills car with PCCB. figure 130k. so whilst i was shown a fully loaded delivery car with the expensive chronograph at 187k, what's the point? And i actually do not want lift as the cooking car was designed originally without it. I do not think it is any lower than a GT4
Must say, I think the sweet spot for these cars is near stock/list price.


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Monday 25th December 2023
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MannyLon said:
HokumPokum said:
You should not pay list.

But, the problem is the wp plus options which can add 30k to the base price. Even at list, that’s rather pricey
Yep, not cheap once optioned. But standard 4s were pricey optioned.
My second GT4 was specd with full Clubsport, steel brakes - think it came in at £92K if I remember.

Mind you, that was coming on two years and a fair few price rises ago! Still think the RS makes most sense in basic spec.
The WP seems to add little apart from some sexy exposed Carbon - for £10K extra - I can live with a painted bonnet!


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Friday 5th January 2024
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rawenghey said:
finmac said:
My second GT4 was specd with full Clubsport, steel brakes - think it came in at £92K if I remember.

Mind you, that was coming on two years and a fair few price rises ago! Still think the RS makes most sense in basic spec.
The WP seems to add little apart from some sexy exposed Carbon - for £10K extra - I can live with a painted bonnet!
Awesome picture. Where is that?
Thanks - “Skyfall Glen” (as per the iconic shot of the Aston in the bond movie) Glencoe.

Here’s a shot of my other GT4, basically same location but more scenery this time!


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Friday 19th January 2024
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av185 said:
Rocketreid said:
Yes was a price rise and concur, they are currently way overpriced which is why they aren’t selling and with over 20 for sale out of an alleged 188 sold they are hardly a Special Edition

Would still like one for tracking but from a drive in one they are too harsh for most road use
Several have sold this winter was 21 pre Christmas now 18 OPC cars. True test will be approaching Spring. Looks like most OPCs will be getting just 2 more cars in 2024.

c10% UK stock for sale at OPCs usual for a Porsche GT mid winter.

Driven a few on a wide variety of A and B roads done c200+ miles in total (steels/ceramics but not mags) and yes they are harsh/focused and the rear suspension in particular can be too stiff on the 'wrong' road but it depends what you want.... conversely very entertaining playful and extremely rapid on the right roads as you would expect from an RS. Been offered a Spyder RS but much prefer the GT4 RS as a package.... both cars have their flaws and quite frankly the Spyders joke hood is a major drawback.

Wonder how long it will be before aftermarket airbox noise 'filters' are available for the 4RS..
Interesting post thanks, so, let’s say another 2 x GT4RS per OPC then that’s likely to end up close to 300 cars in total sold in UK. Not such a limited edition after all?

Any mention from your OPC on Spyder RS numbers for UK this year please?


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247 months

Saturday 20th January 2024
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Popped in to South Lakes OPC this afternoon. No sign of that green PTS 4 RS - either SOR or sold I’d suspect. Interestingly, I wanted a quick chat with a salesman and no one available - 5 guys there and all busy with customers - so much for a “cost of living crisis and no one is buying Porsches”!


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Sunday 4th February 2024
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av185 said:
GT4RS said:
AV185 have finalised your gt4rs spec, you still going none Wes pack?

Silver does look great on s gt4rs
Probably the most popular specced colour but a little flat for me I think.

As with GT3 I still like freebie white....provides a nice contrast with all the blacks and greys. Freebie red a close second. Going WP for now steels no mags but final spec yet to be submitted.
Sounds excellent, out of interest, did they make you also purchase the obligatory RS watch at £10K ish?


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247 months

Sunday 4th February 2024
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av185 said:
finmac said:
Sounds excellent, out of interest, did they make you also purchase the obligatory RS watch at £10K ish?
Ha no I've never been ripped off by any OPC anyway wouldn't deal with them if they insisted on me effectively paying £10k overs for an effectively worthless junk grade watch especially in the current market.
Well done! A good result


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Thursday 8th February 2024
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Any fresh UK allocations popping up please guys or any word when the next batch will appear please?


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Friday 9th February 2024
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Freakuk said:
finmac said:
Any fresh UK allocations popping up please guys or any word when the next batch will appear please?
I contacted every England dealership earlier this week enquiring after an allocation, zero available and unless you're a long standing customer at any specific dealer you wouldn't be in line for a cancellation was the message pretty much across the board.

27 on autotrader as of today, and I believe the GT4RS will run for around another 12 months, so there should in theory be a healthy 2nd hand market.

Also, the green one at South Lakes has done a lot of track miles apparently, a good friend knows the previous owner. Not that it should matter given what it is but worth noting.

Edited by Freakuk on Friday 9th February 10:01
Thanks for that - can’t say any of your comments surprise me re allocations etc - that’s similar message I have been getting from my dealer.