Gallardo headlight upgrades?

Gallardo headlight upgrades?



Original Poster:

3,306 posts

174 months

Monday 18th November 2024
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The stock headlights are adequately bright, but not amazing, but also have a slightly green tinge to them as though the HID bulbs are getting a little tired.

I guess I can just replace the bulbs, but are there ballast upgrades? Are aftermarket ballasts plug and play? I imagine some splicing may be required?


Original Poster:

3,306 posts

174 months

Monday 6th January
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Fwiw, I didn't bother upgrading the Ballast, just the bulbs.

I went for a pair of D2S OSRAM Cool Blue Boost Xenarc 35W 6000K Xenon HID Bulbs.

They are marked for offroad use only. As far as I can tell, this is likely because when they first fire up they are incredibly blue for about 5 seconds (longer on very first use). After that they are, what I would describe as, "LED" white.

They are brighter than the tired old bulbs, but no where near as bright as modern LEDs.

Hard to show the true colour without the cameras white balance throwing it off, but these are probably the best indication of what temp the bulbs are when on -

(Car looks slightly on the piss as its still on the trolley jack)

You can see the old bulb temp on the left (I'm sure they didn't seem that yellow before the side-by-side comparison!)

PS. Removing the arch liner is a right faff!