Anybody know about this one?....tempted but is it too cheap?

Anybody know about this one?....tempted but is it too cheap?



Original Poster:

103 posts

237 months

Sunday 22nd November 2015
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Original Poster:

103 posts

237 months

Monday 23rd November 2015
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Maybe the mileage is the turnoff?, it appears to have been advertised elsewhere earlier in the year without success.

I've been close a couple of times but luckily found the skeletons in the cupboard before committing.

Sub 100k cars out there but unadvertised anyone?


Original Poster:

103 posts

237 months

Monday 23rd November 2015
quotequote all
Thanks for the detailed info, a great help!

I guess it's run it now but I suppose how it attained the miles is the key. Motorway miles good, thrashed by all and sundry on track days and hire not good!

Will let you know if it's for me but I need to talk to the owner now!