The OFFICIAL Le Mans Tickets For Sale/Wanted Thread

The OFFICIAL Le Mans Tickets For Sale/Wanted Thread



Original Poster:

161 posts

207 months

Sunday 19th January 2020
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I couldn't see a thread for this year so hope it's OK to start one. I'll get the ball rolling with a couple of Expo Camping tickets and a Mulsanne/Arnage Parking ticket. We over ordered this year as weren't sure on our plans so ended up with these spare. Only looking for face value which from memory was about 65 euros for camping and 20 euros ish for parking. (I'll double check before final sale though). Can send electronically or i'll print and physically send if you prefer. Any interest?


Original Poster:

161 posts

207 months

Monday 20th January 2020
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Cass63 said:
Does anyone know if motor homes are allowed anywhere on expo or do they all have to be on the hard standing in the top corner, we normally get 2 pitches one for the motor home and one for the tents so don’t want the hard standing,
So I could be interested in the expo tickets.
Officially there are 2 different types of ticket for expo, campingcar (motorhome) which is for the hard standing bit at the top and then normal car tickets for anywhere else. We've used both over the years for cars and motorhomes and never had a problem going where we wanted. Although one year we went to park a motorhome further down in the non motorhome bit and we had a jobs worth come and tell us it had to go on the hard standing, we told them it didn't and they wandered off.