Base Tesla cheaper overall than a £5K barge ?

Base Tesla cheaper overall than a £5K barge ?



Original Poster:

310 posts

197 months

Friday 21st February 2020
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Having owned a (now) shedworthy V8 for almost 10 years, my man-maths seem to be suggesting that a Tesla replacement might make more sense than another < £5K barge-type car. I can buy for cash via my Limited Company which i think would save Corporation Tax and personal tax if i took the money out of the company.
Could someone more knowledgeable than I take a look at my cost comparison table in this thread and check i am not way off...assumes 10 years, 100K comparison against current car....thanks

You need to scroll down the thread on page 1 to get to my "maths"


Original Poster:

310 posts

197 months

Friday 21st February 2020
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I guess i picked 25mpg as that's what the current car does (computer shows 26, but with almost zero town driving)...and it also helps with the man-maths !!!


Original Poster:

310 posts

197 months

Friday 21st February 2020
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jjwilde....haha, thats what i said to the wife. I was looking at a 2006 Saab 9-5 Aero but fuel economy is just as bad, and 2007 models come with £555 road tax. I have a hatred of diesels so they are definitely out, but yes, am sure i could find a comfy, quiet petrol with better mpg, albeit with pretty stilted performance


Original Poster:

310 posts

197 months

Friday 21st February 2020
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Get this instead

You get more space and save money. It's more "wife maths" than man maths, ie accurate.

Oh lordy, an estate (yuk) and a diesel (no, no for me - should be banned laughlaugh) .....more pollutants than my old A8, which is surprisingly free in the ULEZ zone