Tesla - Performance upgrade

Tesla - Performance upgrade



Original Poster:

367 posts

85 months

Friday 13th March 2020
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Hi all,

I was reading the other day something about being able to pay for an upgrade on a Model 3 that gives you faster acceleration, without needing to buy the full performance model.

Is this right or have I just imagined this whole thing...? laugh And if so, what then are the differences between the long range model with a performance upgrade and the performance model itself?

Currently I'm hoping the maths on a business purchased Model Y will make sense for my business. The only reason I can think of to buy a Performance model would be to occasionally enjoy the thrill of an off the line dash, Im not ever going to track the car nor do I care much for wringing out extra performance round corners. So seems like a long range model with a performance upgrade purchase could be the way to go.


Original Poster:

367 posts

85 months

Friday 13th March 2020
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Dave Hedgehog said:
very good value, especially if you dont want the big rims, upgraded suspension and brakes, upgrading cooling or track mode
Thanks gang. Appreciate all the replies.

Although I am still trying to work out if you're being a bit sarcastic Dave...? smilelaugh

If the Y long range comes in as sub 50k list... then keeping the 3k grant would definitely be a bonus.

I've got a fireblade for the track, so it really is just the off the line dash I'm interested in. Anything around 4.0 secs 0-60 would be more than enough for me to put a smile on my face when I feel like the journey requires it.


Original Poster:

367 posts

85 months

Friday 13th March 2020
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RobDickinson said:
I doubt that the 3 is £49,990, the Y is $4000 more than a 3
That's a fair point that I hadnt considered...
Just very wishful thinking on my part.