Buying used from Tesla

Buying used from Tesla



Original Poster:

33 posts

65 months

Monday 23rd September 2024
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Hi all,

I'm considering buying a used Tesla Model 3 directly from Tesla and was wondering if anyone could share their purchasing experience. Tesla’s prices seem to be about 15% higher than third-party dealers, but they do include an extended warranty (4 years in total, including the original 3) and enhanced autopilot. I'm unsure if the extra cost is worth it, especially since enhanced autopilot features aren’t fully usable in the UK.

Any insights would be appreciated.



Original Poster:

33 posts

65 months

Monday 23rd September 2024
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It sounds like you've done some thorough research, and going new makes sense given the peace of mind and extra coverage you’re after. In my case, though, I’m leaning towards a used model. It’s a bit more budget-friendly for me, and given that Tesla provides an additional 12 months of warranty, that would give me two more years on a three-year-old car, which balances things out well.

I’m intrigued to see if they move on prices or trade-ins...


Original Poster:

33 posts

65 months

Thursday 26th September 2024
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Thanks for the response, as expected tbh regarding price / trade in.

I need to figure out how useful the upgraded enhanced autopilot is and what the 12 month extended warranty is worth. Plus, the 2021 Model 3 I'm looking at seems to have four newish Michelin tires, worth about £800?

Thinking to be done.


Original Poster:

33 posts

65 months

Friday 27th September 2024
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They're not making things easier.

I checked this morning, and they've raised the price by £300 on the three-year-old model I've been monitoring for the past few weeks.

Information on Tesla info suggests prices are dropping for this year/model car so presumed prices would start to decrease.

Edited by ukdood on Friday 27th September 10:51


Original Poster:

33 posts

65 months

Friday 27th September 2024
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I observed a £100 reduction initially, but then a comparable vehicle with higher pricing surfaced in another region. Despite the COP cars I've been tracking for the past month failing to sell and the overall market prices dropping, there was an increase to match.

However, it appears the number of available cars is currently at its lowest point for the year... frown

At this rate, I might shift my attention back to a Polestar 2. smile


Original Poster:

33 posts

65 months

Friday 27th September 2024
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Many thanks, appreciate the advice.

Hopefully October brings more than just darker nights.



Original Poster:

33 posts

65 months

Saturday 5th October 2024
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I'm now fairly certain I won't be buying used from Tesla.

While it's always nice to have the extended warranty, I've been keeping an eye on a 2021 model for the past three weeks. It started at £25,400 and gradually dropped to £24,000 as of last night. However, when I checked this morning, the price had jumped to £26,000!

I understand the concept of 'dynamic' pricing, but this is ridiculous!


Original Poster:

33 posts

65 months

Saturday 5th October 2024
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That's the one.

It does appear they are price looping the SR+ cars over a 2 week period.

Teslainfo price tracking fo this car....


Original Poster:

33 posts

65 months

Saturday 5th October 2024
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I agree with R Symonds; it's one of my bookmarked tabs. However, over the last month or so, they seem to be focusing more on non-SR+ models and following Tesla’s trend with used prices.

Fortunately, the price increases don’t seem widespread, and I can't see how they can be sustained. Like most people, I may be pushed to consider better value alternatives, but at least we still have options.


Original Poster:

33 posts

65 months

Friday 11th October 2024
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Thank you everyone.

I'm torn between a 2021 LR model and a now rare 2022 SR+ model priced under £25k. Am I placing too much importance on the Intel/AMD debate, which is currently delaying my decision on the 2021 car?

Any advice or guidance would be appreciated.


Original Poster:

33 posts

65 months

Wednesday 13th November 2024
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Thanks for the advice.

I picked up my 2022 SR+ last Saturday (not from Tesla) and have been thoroughly impressed with it so far. It’s particularly enjoyable on these cold mornings!



Original Poster:

33 posts

65 months

Thursday 14th November 2024
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Im sure she was very happy for you. smile

Waiting for my updated V5C to come through so I can link the car to the app, 5 sleeps past already, longest wait ever!


Original Poster:

33 posts

65 months

Friday 15th November 2024
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V5C came through the letterbox yesterday and the car was linked to the app minutes later smile

Perfect timing for a frosty morning, all good so far!