GR86 flat battery

GR86 flat battery



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45 posts

64 months

Sunday 1st September 2024
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Hi, I was lucky enough to get what was apparently the last ever registered GR86 taking delivery on 4th July.

Love the car, looks great and amazing to drive

It has a problem though! About a week after delivery it had be parked for two days, went to drive it to work in the morning and car had no electrical power at all had to use the physical key to open it and when inside it was as dead as a dodo! Had to head off to work in wife’s car.

Called Toyota help line and they sent out RAC who used a boaster pack to start and then advised wife to leave it running for 45 min to charge battery.

Was ok for a week or so, then same happened again. Next time though I had a bit of time, dug out my charger and hooked it up for half an hour and it then started. This happened again over next few weeks but was ok if I gave it a short charge. Seemed to happen if car not driven for more than a couple of days.

Contacted supplying dealer in Somerset who suggested I take it to a local dealer near where I lived in Merseyside.

Took it to local dealer they said they couldn’t find a fault with battery and couldn’t find any electrical fault draining it so it couldn’t be replaced under Toyota warranty.

Was ok for about a week then same happened again for about 6th time. Then had some stern conversations with Somerset dealer who then agreed to pay for a replacement battery. This was done and car was ok but I’ve just been on holiday for 10 days and when we got back home today guess what, it’s dead as a dodo again, completely flat!

I’m inclined now to reject the car and demand a full refund but apart from the battery it’s a fantastic car and don’t really want to send it back!

Suppying dealer has been sent very strongly worded email!

Has anyone else had a similar problem, if so what was the root cause and how was it resolved?

When I spoke to technician at local dealer he said they’d done a drainage test on it when to was switched off, alarmed and then went in to sleep mode; he said it was only drawing about 0.1amps so should be ok sitting for months and shouldn’t go flat

Edited by Neal500griff on Sunday 1st September 19:15