British F1 Grand Prix - Whittlebury Park camping

British F1 Grand Prix - Whittlebury Park camping



Original Poster:

3 posts

12 months

Tuesday 2nd January 2024
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Hi all,

My wife and I had bought a camping space at Whittlebury Park for this years British F1 Grand Prix, but unfortunately when the G.A. tickets were released, we were priced out of the event. Feeling despondent, and in the midst of projects around the house, this had got forgotten about until now.

I wondered if anyone would like to purchase this from us, as we're obviously not going to be there this year. As you can see from the screenshot (Scratch that, I can't upload the picture because forum rules don't allow me to post links because I'm new), we paid £399, but would like to get back £299 ideally although open to offers

Edited by adamc.24 on Tuesday 2nd January 14:03

Edited by adamc.24 on Wednesday 3rd January 08:16


Original Poster:

3 posts

12 months

Tuesday 26th March 2024
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Hello, yes it is :-)

Edited by adamc.24 on Tuesday 26th March 09:09


Original Poster:

3 posts

12 months

Tuesday 26th March 2024
quotequote all

Which facilities do you mean? The facilities will be all around the track :-)

We have tried on the Silverstone Facebook page but didn't seem to get much exposure on there unfortunately