Emira SE coming to the UK

Emira SE coming to the UK



Original Poster:

16,238 posts

244 months

Thursday 28th November 2024
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No surprise there, I suppose. 400bhp from the AMG engine


Original Poster:

16,238 posts

244 months

Friday 29th November 2024
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Shame the £5480 VED is going to limit sales somewhat...its not like its going to make any noticeable difference ever to emissions either!
Just need to get it before April (if they are out by then). TBH, if people are paying on finance, it won't make that much of a difference. It's not like they're £20k cars.


Original Poster:

16,238 posts

244 months

Friday 29th November 2024
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Terminator X said:
Frimley111R said:
Shame the £5480 VED is going to limit sales somewhat...its not like its going to make any noticeable difference ever to emissions either!
Just need to get it before April (if they are out by then). TBH, if people are paying on finance, it won't make that much of a difference. It's not like they're £20k cars.
£1k or so I'd agree. £5k and rising though, will kill off petrol sales. Good timing for the car industry rolleyes

Isn't it something like £2500 now and they are doubling it in April 25? (I may have got that slightly wrong then)