Juha Kankkunen


GT6 Jonsey

Original Poster:

857 posts

130 months

Tuesday 28th May
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This is a great watch if you guys haven’t already seen it, two legends talking shop. A great conversation about Juha’s career. His take on group B being banned is insightful “the cars weren’t the problem, they had a brake pedal, it was the spectators wanting to touch the car. The mechanics would pull fingers out of the air intake ( Peugeot 205 )



7,054 posts

232 months

Tuesday 28th May
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Thanks, wasn’t aware of this.

The Michele Mouton doc is well worth a watch too: https://youtu.be/Jf3YMaf0ATc?feature=shared


1,092 posts

37 months

Sunday 20th October
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GT6 Jonsey said:
This is a great watch if you guys haven’t already seen it, two legends talking shop. A great conversation about Juha’s career. His take on group B being banned is insightful “the cars weren’t the problem, they had a brake pedal, it was the spectators wanting to touch the car. The mechanics would pull fingers out of the air intake ( Peugeot 205 )

A great character back in the day will watch


15,163 posts

231 months

Friday 8th November
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And two old rally gits (who go back even further than Juha and Nicky) chewing the fat :


And a spot of them ice driving


And Markku and Walter on ice :


And talking about the good old days :




119 posts

1 month

Sunday 10th November
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That channel is great, some of it is subtitled. Markku was always my favourite back then, but Juha was like Mikkola, sublime car control, talent you could literally see in every bend, just a shame that unlike Markku or Henri or latterly Tommi he never really worked out asphalt as neither did Marcus for that matter.

The on in the Delta S4 is very poignant actually.