Murtaya Track Day Open Invite

Murtaya Track Day Open Invite



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226 months

Thursday 25th January 2007
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Hi everyone,

As there are no shows for a few months and the TKC Live event has been cancelled we have decided to run a private trackday to demonstrate the Murtaya to anyone who is interested in experiencing the car.

The date is February 24th, location Llandow circuit in South Wales. The track has been booked EXCLUSIVELY for us and we will be lapping from 10am to 4pm. Full circuit services and back up will be on hand. The circuit is very easy to get to, being just a short hop over the bridge into Wales.

This is an open invite to all 'Pistonheaders' and anyone else that you may know to come along and try the car and have a social day out talking about cars. A good chance for an informal Pheads meet up.

There will be no charge for admission or for demonstration runs in the car.

In addition to the Murtaya we are looking to organise a few other interesting things for the day and I will release news updates to all those who register interest as requested below.

The car park could well be a highlight if you guys take the opportunity to have a run out in the toys that you have tucked away in the garage!

Please contact us on 01637 852500 if you are going to come along so that we can get a good feel for numbers before the day. You are of course welcome to turn up on the day without prior notice, it will just help us to work out how many tea bags and biscuits to bring if we know in advance!!

Hope to see lots of you there.

Kind regards,



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200 posts

226 months

Saturday 10th February 2007
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Hi Andy,

Thanks for the interest and the idea, unfortunately the insurance is an issue with this and puts a halt to us going down that route. Pity as we have an ever increasing number of customers who want to have builds done specifically for track days and this would have been an ideal opportunity to get some of them together.

I think that it is essential that we as manufacturers give you guys the chance to see cars in the 'off' season between shows as the last show of the year was Exeter back in November, and there is nothing happening until April. Of course the idea of having to drive the car on the track all day is hardly a bad thing :-)

As for the Murtaya vs track prepared toy debate, well it is an intersting and good one.
The Murtaya demo car is the road variant, not the lightweight track car which we also offer (we are hoping to make time this year to build our own lightweight demo car for trackday purposes and have already sourced a suitable engine, just need some more hours in each day to get one put together!).

However I am comfortable in saying that you would need to invest quite heavily in modifying an Impreza to attain anything like the performace that is achieved by bolting together a 'standard' road Murtaya, let alone the track orientated lightweight variant.

However I do know of people spending big bucks on building track day machines (our engine builder has just been putting together a 98 Impreza track car for a customer and that the owner has spent over £25k on modifying it, for the same money he could easily have midly tuned his Impreza for the road AND have us build him a trackday inspired Murtaya!!)

Best way to find out about the performance, get yourself down to Llandow in two weeks time and try it!

There will be a high profile professional race driver there on the day playing with the car so you will see it getting pushed pretty hard (although he has been told it needs to come back in one piece!).

We have big features coming up in the March issues of Japanese Performance magazine, Which Kit Car and Total Kit Car, so have a read of what three independant journalists think of the car (along with the road test already posted on PH by Graham Bell of course). They might help answer your question!


Edited by neilrallying on Saturday 10th February 00:05


Original Poster:

200 posts

226 months

Friday 16th February 2007
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Thanks for the positive comments, we are in discussions with a number of drivers regarding racing projects for the Murtaya which we hope will see at least one car out in a very well known series this year (fingers crossed!).

There is an independant review of the Murtaya in the new edition of Which Kit Car, out on the news stands today (Friday), the car also features in the current Japanese Performance Magazine and the upcoming edition of TotalKit Car so there is plenty of well informed views available.

We still have capacity available on the 24th at Llandow (there are lots of people booked to attend the day already) and we would of course love to see as many people as possible there. Take the chance to see the car driven by a professional race driver and then laugh at the company drivers trying to emulate him!!!



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226 months

Sunday 25th February 2007
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I would like to thank everyone who made the trip to Llandow yesterday.

We had a superb day with around 40 people attending and getting to experience the Murtaya.
As usual the car performed faultlessly all day and did approximately 200 laps before being driven back to Cornwall last night.

The two Toniq demonstrator vehicles also ran well all day, giving rides to interested parties and even attracting some enquiries from the kart racers next door.

All in all we had a terrific day (including selling several cars, one to a chap who had travelled from Switzerland for the day!) so once again, thanks for coming.

The car park was also interesting during the day with GTM's, Marlins, and many modified Japanese motors in evidence.

We will be repeating the event later in the year, and are already planning a day in the middle of the summer and another just after the end of the show season at the end of November.

Look forward to seeing you all at one of the shows during the year, or down at our factory in Cornwall.



Original Poster:

200 posts

226 months

Sunday 25th February 2007
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Pictues are on the way GTRENE, Black5 came along on the day and did his usual superb job. I know the pictures will be very good when he posts them.
The magazines should be commissioning Mark to work for them, he has a great eye for a shot and uses interesting effects to make the pictures interesting. Excellent photographer in my opinion.
We are planning on being at the Continental Kit Car Show in August if we do not get to see you before!