The Collecting Cars Porsche thread…

The Collecting Cars Porsche thread…



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213 months

Saturday 31st October 2020
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Some of these cars are covered off in other threads but given the amount of interesting stuff going through Collecting Cars I thought it would be good if anyone could offer advice, there's been a couple of cars I've been interested in buying and the advice here is pretty strong!

Will start with these two:

What we say is a good price, is it a good buy?

And this one, bit of a 'bitsa' but any redeeming features for the money?


Original Poster:

2,849 posts

213 months

Sunday 22nd November 2020
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2,849 posts

213 months

Friday 7th May 2021
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Interesting that Hodari_Olanrewaju is bidding for 20 of the Leonard Collection alone. Must be keen...


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2,849 posts

213 months

Sunday 29th August 2021
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Auctions are always hard to call but I imagine the reserves could be lowered if a certain regular dealer was prepared to underwrite the car if it didn't hit the reserve in an auction scenario.

My word is my Bond and all that..


Original Poster:

2,849 posts

213 months

Saturday 16th October 2021
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213 months

Friday 22nd October 2021
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First time I have seen an interior like this..


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2,849 posts

213 months

Wednesday 27th October 2021
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Tempted to bid on this one..

What’s a fair price do we think


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2,849 posts

213 months

Friday 12th November 2021
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I like the look of this one, hard to see how you would get your money back from the initial build though. Hard to value?


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2,849 posts

213 months

Friday 26th November 2021
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Serviced at the 'local garage' and some over revs.

What does that say about it!


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2,849 posts

213 months

Saturday 27th November 2021
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I would be doing some serious independent inspection on anything expensive thats been serviced at a local garage.

A friend bought a Ferrari once from a well known specialist which turned out to have been rebuilt on the QT after an accident....By him..


Original Poster:

2,849 posts

213 months

Wednesday 1st December 2021
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PorkInsider said:
Reading the comments section on the 997 GT2 is becoming more 'interesting' by the day.

It's an easy car to crash and profitable to rebuild on the QT, not this one but generally


Original Poster:

2,849 posts

213 months

Saturday 4th December 2021
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PorkInsider said:
Interesting that CC allowed it to be listed as a private sale when the seller is a trader and the eBay ad is listed as trade.
I don't think they give a monkey's to be honest. The florid language of the ads is like Arthur Daley's wet dream


Original Poster:

2,849 posts

213 months

Tuesday 14th December 2021
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I see this beauty is coming up again for the third time in as many weeks.

Perhaps third time of asking buyers will be too blinded by the colour to read the MOT history


Original Poster:

2,849 posts

213 months

Wednesday 15th December 2021
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Andyoz said:
BrotherMouzone said:
g7jhp said:
That £16k between CC selling and current offer price buys alot of future maintenance or a change of seats and interior.
...It also buys a nice Boxster to use alongside the air cooled in summer.

Some people seem to derive pleasure in being fleeced by dealers.
The site now just seems to be dealers who aren't dealers and sellers who are dealers. I thought the site would go a bit longer until the fun went out of it


Original Poster:

2,849 posts

213 months

Friday 17th December 2021
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Only about 50% of their stuff seems to be selling at the mo. The fear of Omicron can't help. No one likes uncertainty!


Original Poster:

2,849 posts

213 months

Friday 17th December 2021
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Slippydiff said:
birdcage said:
Only about 50% of their stuff seems to be selling at the mo. The fear of Omicron can't help. No one likes uncertainty!
This ^
And just for the sake of clarity, there's absolutely no chance it has anything to do with the fact we're in the depths of Winter nor that Christmas is just over a week away. No siree.

Well that and the cars being overpriced. Must be annoying for CC as the sellers all think they have invaluable cars when the reality is most of them haven't been serviced for an eternity or there's some smoke and mirrors.


Original Poster:

2,849 posts

213 months

Monday 10th January 2022
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Very nice colour...35-40k?


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2,849 posts

213 months


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213 months


Original Poster:

2,849 posts

213 months

Wednesday 4th January 2023
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