Cerbera speed six max speed

Cerbera speed six max speed



Original Poster:

165 posts

11 months

Saturday 4th May 2024
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Hi all.
It seems to be a lot of difference between V8 and S6 top speed.
On the road, the speed to play with is a LOT anyway....but I'm interested in technical factor that could dictate this difference.
And what is your speed six top speed after all?


Original Poster:

165 posts

11 months

Saturday 4th May 2024
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I'm speaking about specs you found on papers


Original Poster:

165 posts

11 months

Monday 20th May 2024
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Byker28i said:
Define a lot of difference?
180mph for a 360hp 4.2 v8
160mph for a 350hp 4.0 S6

20mph seems a lot of difference for only 10hp more

As I said, I would like to understand why.

On the road 160mph It's a lot already


Original Poster:

165 posts

11 months

Tuesday 21st May 2024
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I found an old post of Al Melling on this YouTube video comments:


As you can read, Melling quote the speed six at 310bhp circa.
The 4.2 V8 at 340bhp.

30bhp of difference suits better the difference of speed between the S6 and V8....


Original Poster:

165 posts

11 months

Tuesday 21st May 2024
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Caddyshack said:
That could just be a final drive difference, the S6 might be lower geared or have the same gearing but lower top revs or even it was a theoretical top speed.

My S6 got to 150+on the speedo very easily but TVR were not known for honesty in numbers so it could have been anything.
As far as I know gear ratio is the same.
I think that must be not more than 300/400rpm of difference between the two..
But maybe I'm wrong


Original Poster:

165 posts

11 months

Tuesday 11th June 2024
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