Alloys aftermarket or Something else?

Alloys aftermarket or Something else?



Original Poster:

18 posts

5 months

Tuesday 27th August
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Morning all
I would like to change my alloys
Currently I have the Saturns, which I’m not really a fan of.
I believe the Spiders seems to be the go to for cerbs, but have a nightmare finding any.
Would anyone recommend anything else? Or would I be mad to go aftermarket


Original Poster:

18 posts

5 months

Wednesday 28th August
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Thanks all some great suggestions
Is it true 5 stud Ford is the same offset as a TVR?


Original Poster:

18 posts

5 months

Wednesday 28th August
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softtop said:
Get in touch with Sportmotive or Motaclan, they are designing a spider replacement but better.
Thank you will do


Original Poster:

18 posts

5 months

Wednesday 28th August
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Byker28i said:
sixor8 said:
Byker28i said:
Out of stock, and have been for quite a while. Same goes for the 4 bolt SP12s too, in either silver or anthracite. frown
Thats a shame. didn't someone suggest they were Team Dynamics Pro Race with the correct offsets?

OP is it the 16" saturns you have? Didn't think there were many Cerberas left running those, is it an early one you have?

Going 17" means you can stick with the 40 profile, but watch for tyre availability
Going 18" means 35 profile so a slightly harsher ride, but more tyre availability

Edited by Byker28i on Wednesday 28th August 17:49
Thanks buddy, yes it’s an early R reg with 16 Saturns. I just prefer the spiders and something a little bigger.
18s with 35 profile is a good shout


Original Poster:

18 posts

5 months

Thursday 29th August
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FarmyardPants said:
Having said that, LW wheels can still look ok..

That looks really nice


Original Poster:

18 posts

5 months

Friday 30th August
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Thanks all some great suggestions
Is it true 5 stud Ford is the same offset as a TVR?


Original Poster:

18 posts

5 months

Sunday 8th September
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The Nige said:
I picked up a nail but hadn’t realised how much of a problem it was going to be sourcing the rear tyre 245/45 16", no matching tyre in stock, the tyre was removed and sent away for repair. Had to use an old wheel and tyre I had at home.

What a pain Nige, hope they sort it soon for you